You can find the old GSN documentation of the project at wiki.
On any computer that can run VirtualBox (or any other supported virtual machine provider), install Vagrant. To use the Vagrantfile
provided, go into the folder with the Vagrantfile
and type vagrant up
in your terminal. To connect to the virtual box instance, use vagrant ssh
. When connected the GIT Repository can be cloned onto the VM. If you want to use Visual Studio Code to connect to the running VM use vagrant ssh-config
and copy the information to ssh config by pressing F1
or STRG + Shift + P
in VSCode and choose Remote-SSH: Open SSH- Configuration file
(Remote-SSH Plugin must be installed in VSCode).
Prerequisites to compile GSN:
- gsn-core and gsn-extra
- sbt 0.13.18+
- Java JDK 11
- gsn-tools and gsn-services
- sbt 0.13.18+
- Java JDK 11
- Scala 2.12
- gsn-webui
- Node.js
If all prequisites are installed either on your local machine or on the VM using vagrant, change to the repository folder and type sbt
. This should install all required dependencies. In order to compile gsn-core and gsn-services, switch to the corresponding workspace using the command project core
or project services
while using sbt. Then compile
can be used. Compilation for gsn-core and gsn-services can also done by just using sbt
in the main directory of the repository and the command compile
. However to run the individual projects the workspace has to be switched using project core
or project services
. To run gsn-core use restart
in gsn-core workspace. To run gsn-services use run
in gsn-services workspace. Since some functionality of gsn-services depend on a running gsn-core, gsn-core should be started first and then gsn-services can be started in a separate terminal. Gsn-services should then be available at http://localhost:9000/ws
and the following credentials can be used:
- username: root@localhost
- password: changeme
Important commands:
- clean: remove generated files
- compile: compiles the modules
- package: build jar packages
- project [core|tools|services]: select a specific projet
For an easy deployment, debian packages can be created for gsn-core and gsn-services. Therefore the code needs to be compiled following the steps of "Compiling and Running". When compiled, debian:packageBin
can be used in the corresponding workspace gsn-core or gsn-services. This created an installable .deb file in the target folder, which can be moved to a server and installed by sudo dpkg -i filename.deb
. To start or stop an installed instance following commands can be used:
sudo systemctl start gsn-core.service/gsn-services.service
sudo systemctl stop gsn-core.service/gsn-services.service
sudo systemctl restart gsn-core.service/gsn-services.service
To load a virtual sensor into GSN, you need to move its description file (.xml) into the virtual-sensors
This directory contains a set of samples that can be used.
You can start by loading the MultiFormatTemperatureHandler virtual sensor (virtual-sensors/samples/multiFormatSample.xml
This virtual sensor generates random values without the need of an actual physical sensor.
- Install the necessary Node.js dependencies:
npm install
npm install -g pnpm
npm install pg
- Enter database credentials in
const pool = new Pool({
user: 'enter username here',
host: '',
database: 'enter database name here',
password: 'enter password here',
port: 5432,
- Enter gsn-services credentials in
const CLIENT_ID = 'enter client id here';
const CLIENT_SECRET = 'enter client secret here';
const TOKEN_URL = '';
const SENSORS_URL = '';
- Start the Next.js application:
npm run dev
This will start the GSN Frontend application in development mode.
- Open a web browser and navigate to
to view the application (adjust the port if your configuration is different).