This is a personal project of mine to try and implement a game engine in C++. This game engine currently uses OpenGL for rendering, but Vulkan support might be added later. As of right now project is mostly cross platform. Required tools:
- C++ Compiler (clang is recommended)
- CMake
- Ninja
- (possibly) GNU Make
Required libraries:
- GLFW 3
- lodepng
- freetype2
Use VSCode CMake tools:
Command Palette > CMake: Configure
Command Palette > CMake: Build
to buildCommand Palette > CMake: Debug
ORCtrl + F5
to debug
- Shaders & Materials
- 3D and (partial) UI rendering
- Truetype loading & (partial) rendering
- Textures
- Layers
- Asset manager
- Component support
- Scripts (in C++, later maybe Lua) Most stuff that makes game engine a game engine is not implemented yet. Also an editor is in plans.
To implement a basic game engine. Not to make a competitive game engine, this is mostly done to learn 3D & game programming.
Send me a quintillion dogecoins.