My name is Janine, I'm a software engineer, creative, productivity nerd, and professional daydreamer based in Pasadena, California. Currently, I'm building cloud and data management solutions, AI/ML applications, and 3D visualization software at NASA JPL. 🚀
If you'd like to connect, you can find my contact information and more details on my personal website and Medium:
- E. Newman, J. Huang, M. Pomerantz and J. Sellin, "Multi-Project Telemetry-based Digital Twin Environment for Space-Mission Development, Analysis, and Operations," 2023 IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, MT, USA, 2023.
- E. Newman, J. Sellin, J. Huang, C. Huang, M. Pomerantz and D. Celik, "Web-based 3D Visualization for Flight Mission Network Cybersecurity Analysis," 2023 IEEE 9th International Conference on Space Mission Challenges for Information Technology (SMC-IT), Pasadena, CA, USA, 2023.
When I'm not doing "rocket science", I enjoy storytelling and sharing my learning experiences in my writing. Here are some of my favorites: