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STANLEY Security edited this page Jul 12, 2015 · 7 revisions

PACBook enables you to:

Transclusion stylesheets

  1. Perform parametrised transclusion … TransParam.xsl

  2. Fix up duplicate IDs … TransID.xsl

  3. Fix up links to duplicate IDs or links to non-existent targets … TransLinks.xsl

Linguistic stylesheets

  1. Select the correct form of transcluded terms, depending on their syntactic environment … LingHead.xsl

  2. Inflect text which depends syntactically on any transcluded terms … LingDepend.xsl

  3. Select the correct orthographic case for text, depending on environment … LingCasing.xsl

Text stylesheets

  1. Punctuate abbreviations correctly so they don’t have two full stops at the end of a sentence … TextAbbrev.xsl

  2. Localise number formatting … TextNumbers.xsl

DocBook stylesheets

  1. Resolve image references against xml:base … DBImage.xsl

  2. Resolve image references against the XML Catalog … RefResolve.xsl

  3. Perform enhanced DocBook conditional profiling … DBProfile.xsl

  4. Create automatic titles for DocBook admonitions … DBAdmon.xsl

  5. Perform enhanced formatting of DocBook simple lists — select the correct form of conjunctions based on the phonetic environment, for languages which demand it … DBLists.xsl

  6. Create revision history and applicability tables based on the document metadata … DBProcs.xsl

  7. Perform enhanced DocBook glossary processing — include terms in the glossary if they are referred to by other terms … DBGloss.xsl

  8. Create automatic links between DocBook sections, based on shared labels … DBRels.xsl

Translation stylesheets

  1. Translate the document using a single XLIFF file … XlateConvert.xsl

  2. Create multilingual translations, using several XLIFF files … XlateCombine.xsl

  3. Fix up IDs in multilingual translations … XlateID.xsl

  4. Mark up elements in a file for translation … XlateMarkup.xsl

  5. Extract translation elements to an XLIFF file … XlateExtract.xsl

  6. Compare document to existing XLIFF file and create diff file … XlateDiff.xsl

  7. Merge new translation units into existing XLIFF file … XlateMerge.xsl

XLIFF management stylesheets

  1. Remove duplicate translation units from XLIFF file … XliffDupe.xsl

  2. Remove completed translation units from XLIFF file … XliffPurge.xsl

  3. Escape inline markup in an XLIFF file … XliffRaw.xsl

  4. Unescape inline markup in an XLIFF file … XliffTemp.xsl, XliffTag.xsl

  5. Export an XLIFF file to CSV … Xliff2CSV.xsl

  6. Import from Microsoft Excel XML to XLIFF … XL2Xliff.xsl


PACBook also provides a custom schema to enable all of these features in DocBook 5.0.

It’s important to note that PACBook is not a natural language processor. The author or translator must mark up text for linguistic processing by hand.