Ghastcoiler is a Hearthstone Battlegrounds simulator written in Python, and the only Python in the game. This README goes over the goals of the project and a list of TODOs. Like the rest of the repository, this is a work in progress.
The first goal is that writing a simulator for Hearthstone Battlegrounds is a challenge. Implementing the rules properly, in a maintainable structure while keeping the code at some form of efficiency is not easy.
When the core simulator is finished, this can be used for studying to get better at the game, for example about positioning. For another use, this can be a stepping stone towards a reinforcement learning environment or a model that can efficiently and accurately predict the outcome based on both boards.
We would love for others to help out with this project, while we are working out what the best process is you can already make pull requests. The initial focus is on finishing the simulator. We will update this section soon.
We are currently only at the beginning. There are a few initial focus points:
- Add docstrings and some comments
- Add ranks 2 to 6
- Increasing the amount of useful tests
- Figuring out some niche game mechanics
- Add heroes with in-battle effects
- Optimizing the speed