Example Cpp project that uses NuGet PackageReference (instead of packages.config)
VisualStudio (for C++ vcxproj) only supports packages.config by default. However MSBuild NuGet integration is done in a generic way, it is just that the VS NuGet integration only supports packages.config.
More information on the benefits of using PackageReferences can be found at the Official Microsoft NuGet documentation: Benefits of using PackageReference.
The Microsoft.Build.CentralPackageVersions MSBuild project SDK allows project tree owners to manage their NuGet package versions in one place. Stock NuGet requires that each project contain a version. You can also use MSBuild properties to manage versions.
Example using https://github.com/AArnott/Nerdbank.GitVersioning dependency purely during development.
We store MSBuild settings in the solution root folder file Directory.Build.props
since this is an offical (and very clean) way to
customize your build.
<PackageReference Include="Nerdbank.GitVersioning" Version="2.3.38">
msbuild /t:restore CppWithNuGetPackageReference.sln
It seems adding a PackageReference is not enough.
Because during the build we get an error Your project does not reference ".NETFramework,Version=v4.0" framework.
From normal (packages.config) based NuGet package installation, we determine that NuGet is targeting 'native,Version=v0.0'
And by looking at C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\MSBuild\Microsoft\NuGet\15.0\Microsoft.NuGet.targets(186,5)
we can understand how a possible solution might look:
<ResolveNuGetPackageAssets AllowFallbackOnTargetSelection="$(DesignTimeBuild)"
It seems there is a $(_NuGetTargetFallbackMoniker)
that is passed as additional option to the TargetMonikers
Although there is no official documentation on this, it looks promising since it is seems to be used as a possible workaround for 'UAP' projects.
That means we can use the same mechanism to target 'native,Version=v0.0':
VS UI "Restore NuGet Packages" does not restore based on PackageReference
All packages are already installed and there is nothing to restore.
MSBuild /t:restore
on solution/project does actually restore:D:\GitHub\CppWithNuGetPackageReference>msbuild /t:restore CppWithNuGetPackageReference.sln Microsoft (R) Build Engine version 15.9.21+g9802d43bc3 for .NET Framework Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Building the projects in this solution one at a time. To enable parallel build, please add the "/m" switch. Build started 26-1-2019 21:08:42. Project "D:\GitHub\CppWithNuGetPackageReference\CppWithNuGetPackageReference.sln" on node 1 (Restore target(s)). ValidateSolutionConfiguration: Building solution configuration "Debug|x64". Restore: Restoring packages for D:\GitHub\CppWithNuGetPackageReference\CppWithNuGetPackageReference\CppWithNuGetPackageReference.vcxproj... Committing restore... Generating MSBuild file D:\GitHub\CppWithNuGetPackageReference\CppWithNuGetPackageReference\obj\CppWithNuGetPackageReference.vcxproj.nuget.g.props. Generating MSBuild file D:\GitHub\CppWithNuGetPackageReference\CppWithNuGetPackageReference\obj\CppWithNuGetPackageReference.vcxproj.nuget.g.targets. Writing lock file to disk. Path: D:\GitHub\CppWithNuGetPackageReference\CppWithNuGetPackageReference\obj\project.assets.json Restore completed in 390,42 ms for D:\GitHub\CppWithNuGetPackageReference\CppWithNuGetPackageReference\CppWithNuGetPackageReference.vcxproj. NuGet Config files used: C:\Users\japj\AppData\Roaming\NuGet\NuGet.Config C:\Program Files (x86)\NuGet\Config\Microsoft.VisualStudio.Offline.config Feeds used: https://api.nuget.org/v3/index.json C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\NuGetPackages\ Done Building Project "D:\GitHub\CppWithNuGetPackageReference\CppWithNuGetPackageReference.sln" (Restore target(s)). Build succeeded. 0 Warning(s) 0 Error(s) Time Elapsed 00:00:01.13
VS Build with PackageReference restored package fails with
Your project does not reference ".NETFramework,Version=v4.0" framework.
1>------ Rebuild All started: Project: CppWithNuGetPackageReference, Configuration: Debug x64 ------ 1>Build started 26-1-2019 21:10:19. 1>Target GetBuildVersion: 1> Building version from commit 25492f4145c10ea960ec419ae9243811f20a148e 1>Target GenerateNativeVersionInfo: 1> Copying file from "x64\Debug\\CppWithNuGetPackageReference.Version.rc.new" to "x64\Debug\\CppWithNuGetPackageReference.Version.rc". 1>Target PrepareForBuild: 1> Creating directory "D:\GitHub\CppWithNuGetPackageReference\x64\Debug\". 1> Creating directory "x64\Debug\CppWithN.F88D9F1D.tlog\". 1>Target ResolveNuGetPackageAssets: 1> C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\MSBuild\Microsoft\NuGet\15.0\Microsoft.NuGet.targets(186,5): error : Your project does not reference ".NETFramework,Version=v4.0" framework. Add a reference to ".NETFramework,Version=v4.0" in the "TargetFrameworks" property of your project file and then re-run NuGet restore. 1>Done building target "ResolveNuGetPackageAssets" in project "CppWithNuGetPackageReference.vcxproj" -- FAILED. 1> 1>Done building project "CppWithNuGetPackageReference.vcxproj" -- FAILED. 1> 1>Build FAILED. 1> 1>C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\MSBuild\Microsoft\NuGet\15.0\Microsoft.NuGet.targets(186,5): error : Your project does not reference ".NETFramework,Version=v4.0" framework. Add a reference to ".NETFramework,Version=v4.0" in the "TargetFrameworks" property of your project file and then re-run NuGet restore. 1> 0 Warning(s) 1> 1 Error(s) 1> 1>Time Elapsed 00:00:00.26 ========== Rebuild All: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 skipped ==========
Installing a NuGet package through the normal UI (with packages.config) results in:
Attempting to gather dependency information for package 'Nerdbank.GitVersioning.2.3.38' with respect to project 'ConsoleApplication1', targeting 'native,Version=v0.0' Gathering dependency information took 82,39 ms Attempting to resolve dependencies for package 'Nerdbank.GitVersioning.2.3.38' with DependencyBehavior 'Lowest' Resolving dependency information took 0 ms Resolving actions to install package 'Nerdbank.GitVersioning.2.3.38' Resolved actions to install package 'Nerdbank.GitVersioning.2.3.38' Retrieving package 'Nerdbank.GitVersioning 2.3.38' from 'nuget.org'. Adding package 'Nerdbank.GitVersioning.2.3.38' to folder 'D:\Temp\ConsoleApplication1\packages' Added package 'Nerdbank.GitVersioning.2.3.38' to folder 'D:\Temp\ConsoleApplication1\packages' Added package 'Nerdbank.GitVersioning.2.3.38' to 'packages.config' Executing script file 'D:\Temp\ConsoleApplication1\packages\Nerdbank.GitVersioning.2.3.38\tools\Install.ps1'... Could not find an AssemblyInfo.cs file at 'D:\Temp\ConsoleApplication1\ConsoleApplication1\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs'. Skipping version.json generation. Successfully installed 'Nerdbank.GitVersioning 2.3.38' to ConsoleApplication1 Executing nuget actions took 2,83 sec Time Elapsed: 00:00:03.1618944 ========== Finished ==========
Building end result: Success, MSBuild targets
are called during build and the executable is correctly stamped with version information.1>------ Rebuild All started: Project: CppWithNuGetPackageReference, Configuration: Debug x64 ------ 1>Build started 26-1-2019 21:46:43. 1>Target GetBuildVersion: 1> Building version from commit 32f18dae142924cf3d180b5a5cca001cda3a9a67 1>Target GenerateNativeVersionInfo: 1> Copying file from "x64\Debug\\CppWithNuGetPackageReference.Version.rc.new" to "x64\Debug\\CppWithNuGetPackageReference.Version.rc". 1>Target PrepareForBuild: 1> Creating directory "D:\GitHub\CppWithNuGetPackageReference\x64\Debug\". 1> Creating directory "x64\Debug\CppWithN.F88D9F1D.tlog\". 1>Target InitializeBuildStatus: 1> Creating "x64\Debug\CppWithN.F88D9F1D.tlog\unsuccessfulbuild" because "AlwaysCreate" was specified. 1>Target ClCompile: 1> pch.cpp 1> CppWithNuGetPackageReference.cpp 1>Target Link: 1> CppWithNuGetPackageReference.vcxproj -> D:\GitHub\CppWithNuGetPackageReference\x64\Debug\CppWithNuGetPackageReference.exe 1>Target FinalizeBuildStatus: 1> Deleting file "x64\Debug\CppWithN.F88D9F1D.tlog\unsuccessfulbuild". 1> Touching "x64\Debug\CppWithN.F88D9F1D.tlog\CppWithNuGetPackageReference.lastbuildstate". 1> 1>Build succeeded. 1> 0 Warning(s) 1> 0 Error(s) 1> 1>Time Elapsed 00:00:02.56 ========== Rebuild All: 1 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 skipped ==========