Golang like scripting language
Uses go/ast and reflect to allow arbitrary expression evaluation in a given context.
Simple and hackable code.
Fully reflect function call including variable number of args.
Automatic casting
- Numeric casting always to the bigger more generic representation.
- True && 0 = false
- Left operand governs the type 1 + "1" = 2, "1" + 1 = "11"
Map, slice, array and string indexer access
Full control over evaluation context.
- Generic map[string]interface{} / *map[string]interface{} contexts
- Any struct with its fields as variables
- Custom Context for implentation/user defined context.
Mostly tested ;)
- Rock solid expression evaluation.
- Enrich evaluation context
- Full script program implementation
- Performance optimizations
import (
//Example type
type ab struct {
A int
//Function as identifier
func T() int {
return 0
func (a ab) Test(x int, z ...interface{}) []interface{} {
return z
func (a ab) Test2(x int, z ...int) []int {
return z
func (a ab) Test3(x float64, y float64) float64 {
return x + y
//Custom dummy context, the ident value is its own name
func (a ab) GetIdent(name string) (val interface{}, err error) {
return name, nil
func examples() {
d := make(map[string]interface{})
d["a"] = 1
ctxt := make(map[string]interface{})
ctxt["a"] = time.Now()
ctxt["b"], _ = time.ParseDuration("3h")
ctxt["c"] = []int{0, 1, 2, 3}
ctxt["d"] = d
ctxt["e"] = &ab{45}
ctxt["f"] = ab{45}
ctxt["g"] = []interface{}{nil, nil}
i := new(int)
*i = 3
ctxt["h"] = i
ctxt["i"] = T //A Function
exp := &goScript.Expr{}
err := exp.Prepare("(*e).A")
//err := exp.Prepare("f.A")
//err := exp.Prepare("a.Day() + 1.4")
//err := exp.Prepare("f.Test(1,2)")
//err := exp.Prepare("f.Test2(3,4,c[3])")
//err := exp.Prepare("*e")
//err := exp.Prepare("g[0]")
//err := exp.Prepare("f.Test3(2,3)")
//err := exp.Prepare("(1 + c[2]) * 3")
//err := exp.Prepare("3.5 + len(c)")
//err := exp.Prepare("i()")
//err := exp.Prepare("d[\"a\"]")
//err := exp.Prepare("*h + 2")
if err != nil {
val, err := exp.Eval(ctxt)
//val, err := exp.Eval(&ctxt)
//Custom context examples
//err := exp.Prepare("Name1")
//val, err := exp.Eval(ab{1})
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Result...", val)