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Henry Gabryjelski edited this page Dec 14, 2021 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the esp8266-fastled-webserver wiki!

The main provides an overview of the project.

Changes ~ November 2021

Prior to November 2021, this depot used a different branch for each product being built. (e.g., Fibonacci512, Kraken64, and the base esp8266-fastled-webserver). This resulted in many differences in what effects were available for each product, and some fixes were made in one branch, but not the others.

Starting with PR #212 (sometime in November 2021), some major changes occurred.

  1. While the project still builds in Arduino, support was added to also build in PlatformIO.
  2. The code from all active products was merged into the main branch.
  3. Configuration defaults were generated for all active products.
  4. Uses LittleFS instead of SPIFFS for the file system. If you're getting Not Found: / errors, see solution.
  5. All Fibonacci boards now define the same angle as "up". All boards (except Fib256) used to define angle 0 (the +Y axis) as 12 o'clock, but now define angle 64 (what was the +X axis) as 12 o'clock. See Issue 225 for details.

Missing FileSystem (aka Not Found: / errors)?

In mid-November 2021, this depot moved away from the deprecated SPIFFS. Because this depot now uses a different file system (LittleFS), the existing file system on your boards won't be recognized without a couple extra steps. These are essentially the same steps that were needed when first flashing a SPIFFS board onto a new ESP device.

To fix the issue, you need to create and upload the LittleFS image. This is normally a one-time cost per physical board, unless you fully erase the flash.

For Arduino, follow the instructions given at "Upload tool for LittleFS on ESP8266 (arduino IDE)" at:


LittleFS is a different file system than SPIFFS, and neither file system understands the data layout used by the other file system. Therefore, even if you upload (or already have uploaded) a SPIFFS file system image to your device, your sketch (now using LittleFS) won't recognize it as a valid file system image. The same result would occur if you upload a LittleFS filesystem, if your sketch uses SPIFFS.

The transition from SPIFFS to LittleFS means that the file system image needs to be written (once per physical ESP device). This is true even though you may have previously written it as SPIFFS. Once it's written, unless the file system changes, you likely won't need to write it again.

Upload the file system image via PlatformIO (VSCode)

  1. Open PlatformIO (the alien head on far left)
  2. Select the environment that you are building for
  3. Expand the Platform options under that environment
  4. Optionally, choose Build Filesystem Image to verify building the image works
  5. Choose Upload Filesystem Image to upload over USB
  6. Choose Upload Filesystem Image OTA to upload using ArduinoOTA (if your sketch enabled that feature)