Provides a foundation for developing with Magento Commerce in a Vagrant box. The machine is based on CentOS 6.4.
==== List of installed software.
- Magento Community Edition -
- MariaDB 5.5
- Zend Server 6.1 - PHP 5.4
- phpunit
==== The settings used to install Magento are in the file: puppet/modules/magento/manifests/init.php.
- Magento admin user: admin
- Magento admin password: secret123
- Database username: magento
- Database password: secret
==== Vagrant Information ==== The Vagrantfile has been setup to use Vagrant 1.2.2. It is setup with bridged networking and forwarding ports 80, 10081 and 3306.
==== Zend Server 6 Information ==== You will need to optain a free license key from otherwise the enterprise trial will expire.
Ruby and Vagrant and VirtualBox are prerequisites.
==== AWS Vagrant Provider ==== The AWS vagrant provider configuration template is in the Vagrantfile. It has been tested on a Centos 6.4 AMI. Add your AWS information and a Centos 6.4 AMI. Follow these instructions
The Centos AMI will need to have puppet installed, a vagrant user and a vagrant_data folder before it is provisioned. Run the puppet/manifests/centos_aws.pp manifest and create a AMI. Use this AMI in your Vagrantfile.
Note: The config.vm.synced_folder setting in the Vagrantfile is not supported with the AWS Vagrant provider.