Here you can download all the demo codes I have written for the course, in or out of class.
Please email with questions or issues.
Here is a list of the example scripts:
- matlab_demo.m: basic demo of MATLAB functionality
- projectile.m: root-finding for initial angle of projectile motion
- poly_roots_fpi.m: find root of cubic equation using fixed point iteration
- roundoff.m: a simple and neat demonstration of roundoff error accumulation
- exptaylor.m: numerical instability of computing exp(-x) by direct Taylor series evaluation, with a fix
- time_matmat.m: empirical verification of matrix-matrix product computational complexity
- bestfit.m: line of best fit via least squares
- rqi.m: Rayleigh quotient iteration demo
- polyinterp_equi.m: polynomial interpolation at equispaced nodes using Lagrange formula and barycentric formula
- polyinterp_cheb.m: polynomial interpolation at Chebyshev nodes using barycentric formula
- ptr.m: demonstration of rapid convergence of periodic trapezoid rule
Here is a list of functions:
- bisection.m: bisection method for given number of iterations
- newton.m: Newton's method for given number of iterations
- secant.m: secant method for given number of iterations
- gausselim_nopivot.m: Gaussian elimination without pivoting
- baryinterp.m: polynomial interpolation using barycentric formula
Other files:
- lgwt: folder containing open source code for Gauss-Legendre quadrature