Tool To Visualize Intersections of Data from Different Sources
These instructions will get you a copy of the tool running on your local machine.
This is project was developed on Python 2.7. There is a virtual environment used in this project so the only required packages are Python 2.7 and virtualenv. Below is how to install virtualenv if you are using Python 2.7.
First copy the text from the following link onto your computer in a new file that you name "":
Then run that file using the following command in the Terminal:
python install
Now you have pip which can be used to install a variety of software packages for python.
Now we can use pip to install virtualenv:
sudo pip install virtualenv
Now you have virtualenv which are required to run this tool easily.
Below are the steps to install this project and run it locally. First follow the steps in pre-requisites.
First make a folder called venn_tool and navigate to it in the terminal. Then copy the contents of the Zip File to the folder or enter the following command in the terminal if you have git:
If you have a MAC cpmputer,you must update the matplotlibrc file on your computer so that the plotting will run properly. Enter the following commands to update the file.
cd ~/.matplotlib
touch matplotlibrc
echo backend: TkAgg > matplotlibrc
To install the requirements for the tool globally so you dont need to run the tool in virtualenv use pip:
sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
The file format for running this script is a .csv file. Currently the project only supports 3 column .csv files with the following format:
Run the script in virtualenv command:
source env/bin/activate
python -i test.csv
Access the help menu of the script in virtualenv with the following command:
source env/bin/activate
python -h
Turn off virtualenv when you aren't using the tool with the following command:
Run the script with the following command if you installed the modules and dont want to use virtualenv:
python -i test.csv
- Matplotlib Venn - The venn diagram project used
- PurpleBooth README Template - The template for this README file
- Jason Schray - Initial work - Jason Schray
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
- Thanks to Lisa for being nice to me and including me in her excitement. It was so fun to work on this tool for her.