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Diary is a project made in php and LateX.
It was designed to make a printed diary of any year. 

1. It will generate the diary of any year.
2. On every page there is quotation on the footer.
3. Water mark of institute's logo on every page.

This file is for formatting of pages like page wigth, height,
page margins, watermak on each page, headers and footer.
If you want different footer on different pages then no need
to define the footer in this file. Then define it in $option.php.
I haven't define any footer in diary.tex
Actual program is in this file. Here each and everything 
is defined. In this file four files are included: pun.php,
quotation.php, $header.php and $option.php(first.php or second.php)
In this file there is an array named lang in which seven week
days are defined in punjabi language. This array is called
in months.php file.
This file also contains an array named quotes in which 160 
quotes are defined for different quotations on the footer on 
different page. You can add the quotes which you like.
------------------h1.php and h2.php($header.php)-------------------
In thses files, format of  header block is defined.
you can see the difference in the images with this package. 
All this is done using LaTeX.

------------------first.php and second.php ----------------
In these files differnts fomats are defined.
In first.php, Friday, Saturday and Sunday always come together.
For Sunday no.of lines are 4. For Sat. and Sun. it is 14.
But for other days no. of lines are 17.

In second.php is little bit different from first.php.
In this case, no. of lines are same for every day. 
When Saturday and Sunday encounter page gets divided in two 
halfs. In first half there is Sat. and in other half Sunday.

In both cases there is quotation in the footer on every page.
And in the first header there is a logo but rest of the headers
donot contain logo on a page. 
*Note:- You can produce more options according to your requirents.
And change the value of $option in Makefile.

In this file first change the year, option, header and textcolor.
Then name of pdf and clean commmnads are defined.
Name of the pdf is also defined.(pdf is produced like:

gne.png (logo of institute) logo in the header
bg.jpg (for watermark of logo)

Make the following changes in Makefile
1. Fisrt change the year(year of which you want to generate 
2. Change the option(like first or second) 
3. Change the header. (like h1 or h2)
4. Change the color of text. (any color of your choice)
4. To generate the pdf run the command:
   $make pdf
5. To delete the output:
   $ make clean

This software will produce four samples.
Screenshots of all the samples are given in this package.


Diary is a project using LaTeX and php






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