CAD Application Unity Primitives Build Envrionment Unity 2.7f1 or higher The methdo is Based on Primtivies It uses the built in primitives from unity
- Cube as Rectangle
- Cylinder
- Capsule
- Sphere The primitives based on ProBuilder are
- Cone
- Prism
The assests requires in this application are a) Pro Builder @ Unity Asset Store b) pb_CSG @
Pro Builder is an open source assest and is still under development. It adds up modeling functionality to unity and It may become a parmanent part of the Unity Engine.
For Mobile Application CAD developers:
It is recommended to use some brep modeler which is a geometric modeling kernel instead of Unity which is a mesh modeler. Unity is memory intesive and is not great for CAD applications. The geometric modeling Kernel from C3D labs will be a good idea.