jADAS version 1.0 add SAM new pictures and selection capabilities
jADAS version 2.0 add storage into a local file <date+time>_data.csv and files are uploaded to Github into this repository; fix errors when using MN8
jADAS version 3.0 do not allow user to go next without answering SAM; show the ArtEmis prediction; and, store SAM answers into the data file.
jADAS version 4.0 logger capabilities to track errors in using Insight Headset
jADAS version 4.1 it is possible to select the folder were local data will be stored; extra log messages added.
jADAS-ArtEmis version 7.0 has a new GUI; Doubled speed; first version with dependency module
jADAS-ArtEmis version 7.1 license approval updated
jADAS-ArtEmis version 7.2 update to handshake pro; detect device mode/type; and separate storage in diverse files.
ChatClient version 1.0 is the tool to send messages to the study participant (simulating being a Chatbot)
jADAS version 5.0 connect to Emotiv, save data, shows participant stimiuli (both ArtEmis or Chatbot UX). Testing a new Look&Feel
jADAS version 6.0 connect to Emotiv, save data, shows participant stimiuli (both ArtEmis or Chatbot UX).
ChatClient version 2.0 update to be used with a server version 7.2
jADAS version 7.2 new GUI; updated license; handshake pro; first version with dependency module; separate storage in diverse files.
Temporal solution for Unidentified Developer on managed macOSX sudo spctl --master-disable