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Javier Fuentes edited this page Jun 15, 2016 · 17 revisions

ObsSM 1.0 version

ALMA Log's State Machine Parser

ObsSM: Interpreter

  • Easy build and run
curl -o - |sh

Compiling process, normal procedure

The interpreter works on java version >= 1.7 Tested on Ubuntu 15.10, Oracle jdk 7, maven2.

  • Enter to the project folder
cd ObsSM-master/ObsSM/
  • Compile using Maven

You have to have installed Maven for this step. You can check this, trying with the command mvn. Anyway you can install it from here: []

mvn clean dependency:copy-dependencies package



Execute the interpreter

java -cp "target/ObsSM-1.0.jar:target/dependency/*" org.alma.obssm.Run



How to send logs to the interpreter

ObsSM includes a built-in ElasticSearch retriever, and search data directly from the ES server.

ObsSM: advanced usage

You can also use a command line, for automatization or externals plugins.

Command Line

./ -h

Help message:

 -c,--cmd                                            use a Command Line
    --date_from <time stamp from>                    TimeStamp from
    --date_to <time stamp to>                        TimeStamp to
    --elk_server <elk_server>                        Elastic Search Server
    --grep <TimeStamp:Array:text:SourceObject:Etc>   Make a grep from
                                                     Elastic search,
                                                     arguments are
 -h,--help                                           show this message
    --listener <ListenerJarFile:ListenerClass>       Transition listener
    --log_translate <json file>                      use a given json file
                                                     to translate log
    --query <query>                                  Query DSL
    --query_filter <json file>                       use a given query
                                                     filter (json) file to
                                                     search through
    --scxml <scxml file>                             use a given scxml
                                                     file to parse a SM
 -v,--verbose                                        show debugging

|=====================GENERAL RECOMENDATIONS==========================|
|   On all the options use ="". i.e. --query="Array: Array001"        |
|   TimeStamp format is yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss.zzz                       |
|   In grep mode you can select columns of data using:                |
|         --grep="TimeStamp:Array:text"                               |
|                                                                     |
| For more information see: |
|=====================GENERAL RECOMENDATIONS==========================|

Deafult Listener

If you want to see transitions just like command line output.

./ -c --date_from="2016-05-22T21:16:22.037" --date_to="2016-05-23T21:16:22.037" --query="*"


May 27, 2016 5:29:47 PM$1 run
INFO: Elastic Search start
ARRAY: Array001 EVENT: Array.creation TO: ArrayCreated FROM: MainIdle TS: 2016-05-22T21:28:11.266
ARRAY: Array002 EVENT: Array.creation TO: ArrayCreated FROM: MainIdle TS: 2016-05-22T21:43:22.335
ARRAY: Array003 EVENT: Array.creation TO: ArrayCreated FROM: MainIdle TS: 2016-05-22T21:49:46.369
ARRAY: Array002 EVENT: Interferometry.init TO: InterferometryInitializeStarted FROM: ArrayCreated TS: 2016-05-22T21:53:54.610
ARRAY: Array002 EVENT: PointingSubArray.callreference TO: InterferometrySettingUpBegun FROM: InterferometryInitializeStarted TS: 2016-05-22T21:53:54.680
ARRAY: Array002 EVENT: PointingSubArray.callreference TO: PointingSubArrayGettingReferenceCalled FROM: PointingSubArrayConstructorIdle TS: 2016-05-22T21:53:54.680
ARRAY: Array002 EVENT: PointingSubArray.antModecontrollercreated TO: PointingSubArrayControllersCreated FROM: PointingSubArrayGettingReferenceCalled TS: 2016-05-22T21:53:54.749
ARRAY: Array002 EVENT: LocalOscillator.callreference TO: LocalOscillatorGettingReferenceCalled FROM: LocalOscillatorConstructorIdle TS: 2016-05-22T21:53:55.105
ARRAY: Array002 EVENT: LocalOscillator.antModecontrollercreated TO: LocalOscillatorControllersCreated FROM: LocalOscillatorGettingReferenceCalled TS: 2016-05-22T21:53:59.963

Custom Listener

Maybe you want to view transitions with a graphical interface. So it's possible to use a custom Listener. If you want to create your own plugin for a Listener Custom Listeners Developing Guide You want to download the third party plugin here before!

./ -c --date_from="2016-05-22T21:16:22.037" --date_to="2016-05-23T21:16:22.037" --query="*" --listener="GraphViewer.jar:org.alma.GraphViewer"

As you can see, I'm not a GUI designer, please create your own plugin for visualization.

Custom models

Also you can use a custom SCXML Model, JSON log translate and JSON query base documents: More about models

./ -c --query_filter="/path/to/JSON" --scxml="/path/to/SCXML" --log_translate="/path/to/JSON"

Discovery: Transitions

This is an application to discover transitions into the log, generating a SCXML model.

Downloading XML Documents:

  • To select dates for learning, you have to edit the file.

**Añadir command line options

python2 Discovery/src/ [states.json file]

It generates a xml document, so you can save it using:

python2 Discovery/src/ [states.json file] > [model file]

Downloading Logs from Elastic Search:


Usage: [options]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f JSON, --file=JSON  JSON Log translate document
  -v, --verbose         Show data from transitions

You can use the in grep mode to obtain logs:

./ -c --grep --date_from="2016-05-22T21:16:22.037" --date_to="2016-05-23T21:16:22.037" --query="*"

So, you can use a pipe:

ObsSM/ -c --grep --date_from="2016-05-23T20:16:22.037" --date_to="2016-05-23T21:16:22.037" --query="*" | python2 Discovery/src/ -f json-document.json