Workshop for NewCrafts Conference to play with ArchUnit and enforce your architecture using Java Tests
This project has a few branches to play and work with arch unit, the main idea is to refactor each chaos branch using the available architecture tests. You can always add more tests or refactor the application in order to pass a test.
This section list different activities for the repository. Even when the code is not perfect it pretends to be treated as a real life project that was created by a lot of people collaborating together and now need to improve the architecture and organization of the project before adding a new domain.
This branch does not have any tests, helps the user to start with arch unit basic rules
This branch does have the test, but also is unorganized and to solve the mistery you need to place the files in the correct folders to pass the tests
To work in this project you'll need Java SDK 11 and gradle to configure it. You can use to configure java sdk and gradle
sdk install gradle 6.4
This are the extentions that I have in my VSCode
- Debugger for Java
- Extension Pack for Java
- Gradle for Java
- Language Support for Java(TM) by Red Hat
- Project Manager for Java
- Test Runner for Java
Start the application locally
./gradlew bootrun
POST /feedback: Submit feedback
GET /feedback: Get all the provided feedback
GET /feedback/{id}: Get feedback by ID
GET /feedback/givenBy/{givenBy}: Get feedback by givenBy parameter
"id": {{$randomInt}},
"givenBy": "Rose",
"feedback": "Should study more architecture"