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table-extractor, a GSoC 2016 project

You can find progress page here

###Requirements You can install requirements using requirements.txt pip install -r requirements.txt

###How to run python [(--where|--single|--topic) --chapter --mode]

  • -c, --chapter : Optional. 2 letter long string representing the desidered endpoint/Wikipedia language (e.g. en, it, fr ...) Default value: 'en'. Reccomendation: do not use -m 'json'
  • -m, --mode : Optional. As I changed approach to the problem, I initially face the project working with JSONPedia, I introduced two working method for the algorithm : json or html. Default value: 'html'

#####Note: -w -s -t are all mutual exclusive parameters

  • -t, --topic : Optional. one of the keywords from the following: 'elections' for pages related to electoral results, 'elections_USA' to limit election result to USA presidential elections, 'all' to select all wiki pages, 'soccer' for soccer players, 'actors' , 'directors' for people who has directed a film, 'writers'. Default value: 'all' (all wiki pages from a chapter).
  • -w, --where : Optional. A SPARQL where clause. Eg. "?film ?film ?s" is used to collect all film directors of a wiki chapter. Note: please ensure that the set you want to collect is titled as ?s
  • -s, --single : Optional. can be used to select a wiki page at a time. Eg. -s 'Channel_Tunnel' takes only the wiki page representing the European channel tunnel between France and UK. [-s]Note: please use only the name of a wiki page without spaces ( substitued by underscores) Eg. Use -s German_federal_election,_1874 and not,_1874 or German federal election, 1874 .

###Usage examples:

  • python ---> as default it takes chapter = 'it', topic= 'elections', mode='html'

  • python -c it -w "?s a <>" ---> chapter = it, tries to collect resources (soccer players) which answer to this sparql query from dbpedia, mode='html'

  • python -c en -t actors -m html ---> chapter='en', topic='actors', mode='html'

  • python -c it -s "Elezioni_presidenziali_negli_Stati_Uniti_d'America_del_1888" ---> the script will works only one wiki page of 'it' chapter


  • If you choose a topic (-t) or you pass to the script a custom where clause, a list of resources (.txt files) are created in /Resource_lists .
  • If everything is ok, two files are created in /Extractions : a log file (for reporting purpose) and a .ttl file containing the serialized rdf data set.

Little final Report:

Please refer to Progress_page


Please refer to Progress_page


Wikipedia is full of data hidden in tables. The aim of this project is to explore the possibilities of exploiting all the data represented with the appearance of tables in Wiki pages, in order to populate the different chapters of DBpedia through new data of interest. The Table Extractor has to be the engine of this data “revolution”: it would achieve the final purpose of extracting the semi structured data from all those tables now scattered in most of the Wiki pages.


table_extractor Folder containing sources files. You can find main script here (

Extractions In this folder you will find .ttl and .log files about extractions you have completed.

Resource_lists Here are collected .txt files as result from work. Every .txt file contains a list of resources gathered by a SPARQL query (using -t topic or -w custom_where_clause).

Sources Files:

pyTableExtractor Module: contains main() function. It calls the other classes/modules as it should be done during usual operations. It first tests parameters calling param_test. Then, if a topic or a where clause are set, it calls to build up a list of resources. Afterward in all cases it calls the analyzer class. Analyzer is responsible to elaborate a resource at a time, to find out the tables' structure and to extract data. Analyzer finally calls Mapper, used to map data extracted on a RDF dataset.

param_test Using ArgParse this class is used to test parameters passed to the main script ( It takes most of the default values from, so take a look a that file to change default values or to add custom ones.

settings A settings file used to store default values. You can customize the script from here. Eg you can add your personal topic adding a topic in TOPIC_CHOICES list, and the corresponding SPARQL query in TOPIC_SPARQL dictionary (please ensure the consistency of dictionary key and the topic added)

Selector A class used to gather a list of resources calling a SPARQL dbpedia endpoint of chapter selected. It then serialize the list in a .txt file so you can keep trace of which set of resources has been found.

Analyzer Once a list of resources (or a single one) has been formed, Analyzer is summoned in order to analyze tables. It takes a single resource at a time, from a .txt file or from -s parameter. Depending on the mode selected (html, or json) it passes, respectively to or to, the objects (html or json) representing the wiki page of interest.

Utilities Contains accessory methods used, for example, to setup log file, to get time and date or to call outer services (sparql dbpedia endpoints, JSONPedia, wiki pages as html object).

Table Class representing a table. It has some data structures used by other classes in order to recreate the table structure and to extract data.

JsonTableParser Class which takes a json object (I used JSONPedia service) representing a wiki page of interest. It has the mission to find the structure (extract coherently headers) of the tables in the wiki page selected. Then it tries to extract data and to associate them with the corresponding headers. If the extraction is successful it calls the mapper to map data in RDF statements. Note: I warn users to not use this parser as I found lot of problems (which depend especially from Wiki users errors) with tables structures. In fact I had to change approach to the problem, realizing a html parser.

HtmlTableParser Class which takes a html object representing a wiki page of interest. It has the mission to find the structure (extract coherently headers) of the tables in the wiki page selected. Then it tries to extract data and to associate them with the corresponding headers. If the extraction is successful it calls the mapper to map data in RDF statements.

Mapper Class used to manage data extracted by the parsers. Depending on settings, it tries to map data applying different mapping rules. These rules depend on the chapter and the topic selected.

mapping_rules File which store rules to be used depending on the topic and the wiki chapter selected. This script, written in collaboration with Federica Baiocchi (@github/Feddie), is useful to know the number of tables or lists contained in Wikipedia pages from a given topic, and was created in collaboration with Feddie who is working on the List Extractor. We both used it in the beginning of our projects to choose a domain to start from. #####How to run python language struct_type topic

  • language : a two letter long prefix representing the desidered endpoint/Wikipedia language to search (e.g. en, it, fr ...)
  • struct_type : t for tables, l for lists
  • topic : can be either a where clause of a sparql query specifying the requested features of a ?s subject, or a keyword from the following: dir for all DBpedia directors with a Wikipedia pages, act for actors, soccer for soccer players,writer for writers ######Usage examples: *python it t "?s a <>.?s <> ?f" *python en l writer

For any questions please feel free to contact me by email


Extract Data from Wikipedia Tables







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