ANFIS refers to 'adaptive network-based fuzzy inference system' which fits a Sugeno-type fuzzy model to a training dataset.
This Python project anfis_co
deals with the situation when there is a certain degree of correlation between the residuals in an 'Output = ANFIS(Input) + Residuals' model. For example, under many conditions, the residuals may have spatial or temporal correlation.
The regular anfis package in Python can be found at, from whch this project was modified.
Requires Python >= 3.0. (All the modules were tested in Python 3.5.2.)
This project was not published as a package in PyPI and cannot be installed by running $ pip install
. Therefore, in order to use the package, you need to download the files and use them as a self-written package.
depends on:
- numpy
- sklearn
- scikit-fuzzy
- matplotlib
Input: {x: independent variables in training data, y: response in training data, C: covariance matrix of residuals at different locations or time}.
Output: parameters of fuzzy inference system fitted to training data {x, y, C}.
In most conditions, covariance matrix C is unknown and need to be estimated. Therefore, an iterative method need to be used.
gives an example showing how to conduct an iterative algorithm for (a) spatial kernal estimation usingsklearn.gaussian_process
, and (b) fuzzy inference system estimation usinganfis_co
- Check generalized least squares in Wikipedia to see how the correlation in residuals affecting the inference of model parameters.
- Make C = I if no correlation exists in residuals. In this case,
will produce the same results withanfis
in original anfis package at