Implemetation of a Social Networking Website
- Create Project Structure
- Implement Authentication
- Implement Get all Users
- Implement Friends
- Find Immediate Friends
- Find Mutual Friends
- Make Relationship Graph
- Add Redis
- Jaccard Coefficient from all Users
- Shortest Path from all Users
- Store Friends
- Recommend Friends
- Implement Posts
- Display Public Posts
- Display Friend Posts
- Display Posts of Friend of Friends
- Implement Image Upload
- Implement Get Single Post
- Implement Likes on Posts
- Implement Comments on Posts
- Implement User Groups
- Create Group
- Group Admin
- Group Member
- Send Request To Join Group
- Allow User to Join Group
- Group Posts
- Group Moderators
- Implement User Profiles
- Implement HashTags/Mentions (Frontend)
- Implement Search (Users/Posts/HashTags)
- Implement AutoComplete (Frontend)
- Implement CSRF Protection
- Mysql
- Database dump in ./static/documentation
- Redis
- PORT - Server Port
- SALT_ROUNDS - Bcrypt
- DB_HOST - Mysql Host
- DB_USER - Mysql user
- DB_PASSWORD - Mysql password
- DB_NAME - Mysql Database name
- DB_PORT - Mysql port
- SIGN_SECRET - JWT Sign Secret
- EXPIRY - Redis Cache Expiry
- FILE_PATH - Multer File Uploads
├── .env
├── .gitignore
├── config
│ └── db.js // Connect to MYSQL Database
├── controllers
│ ├── friends_controller.js // /friends Controllers
│ ├── graphs_controller.js // /graphs Controllers
│ ├── index_controller.js // / Controllers
│ ├── posts_controller.js // /posts Controllers
│ └── users_controller.js // /users Controllers
├── middleware
│ ├── graph_middlewares.js // Middleware to Load Graph for friends and extended_friends
│ ├── middleware_utils.js // Graph Middleware Utils
│ └── upload_middleware.js // Multer
├── models
│ ├── friend.js // Friend Model
│ ├── graph.js // Graph Model
│ ├── post.js // Post Model
│ └── user.js // User Model
├── package-lock.json
├── package.json
├── routes
│ ├── friends.js // /friends
│ ├── graphs.js // /graphs
│ ├── index.js // /
│ ├── posts.js // /posts
│ └── users.js // /users
├── server.js // Main App Entry Point
├── static
│ ├── documentation
│ │ ├──
│ │ ├── Flann.postman_collection.json
│ │ ├── flann_dev_data_dump_2022-02-12_222010.sql
│ │ └── flann_dev_db_struct_2022-02-12_221900.sql
│ └── uploads
│ └── 1udo61a7du80ab8f3l9pxysilicate-structures.jpg
└── utils
├── DataStructures.js // Graph,PriorityQueue
├── get_friendship_data.js // Helpers for friends SQL
├── graph_utils.js // Build Graph Utils
├── redis_utils.js // Redis Setup and Helpers
├── uid.js // Generate Unique ID
├── validate.js // Get Unique Username
├── validate_username.js // Login Helper
└── verify_token.js // JWT Helper
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