This repo is to understand and play with DGraph. Written in C# Dgraph is recognized as one of the highest starred open source project on GitHub( its #1 among graph databases !) , showcasing its popularity within the developer community
Dependencies Required :
- FluentResults v2.15.2
- Google protobuf v3.24
- GRpc .net client 2.38.0.
- Build the repo from scratch and manually added the reference. This is done because recent changes after 21.0 is not added to nuget repo and its difficult to work with older version ( Strong suggesstion is to build from scratch and reference it)
Running Dgraph standalone version v21.0
- Docker command to run :
docker run -it -p 6080:6080 -p 8080:8080 -p 9080:9080 -p 8000:8000 -v /dgraph dgraph/standalone:v21.03.0
For more info to run Dgraph standalone and its uses refer official documentation
About the Solution
- Used .NET and
- Did the following operations on the standalone cluster
- Version check of Dgraph connecting to
- Schema creation
- Insert data
- Read by id
- Update by condition
- Used .NET and
Few debugging points
- Make sure to have proper dependencies
- Make sure the client code is connecting to GRPC endpoint of the Dgraph. Any other endpoint will result in error
- Make sure your code have
AppContext.SetSwitch("System.Net.Http.SocketsHttpHandler.Http2UnencryptedSupport", true);
for connecting to insecure or local standalone instance of Dgraph