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Use Git for all your SVN projects starting now

Why you should switch to Git

Basic Changeset Process

  1. GIT SVN Checkout

     $ git svn clone -s https://[repository.url]
  2. Update local repository

     $ git svn fetch
  3. Add file

     $ git add [file]
  4. Commit file in GIT

     $ git commit -m '[msg]'
  5. Prepare for push / get remote repository changes

     $ git svn rebase
  6. Push to remote SVN repository

     $ git svn dcommit

Switching Between Branches

  1. Fetch Latest Remote Branches

     $ git svn fetch
  2. Create Branch

     $ git svn branch -m "[msg]" branch_name
  3. Map local branch to remote branch

     $ git checkout -b branch_name remotes/branch_name
  4. Switch to New Branch

     $ git checkout branch_name
  5. Reset Branch Instance to New Branch

     $ git svn rebase
  6. Verify SVN path

     $ git svn info
     Path: .  
     URL: https://[repository.url]/branch_name  
     Repository Root: https://[repository.url]  
     Repository UUID: d56a3af8-c092-443f-9987-f536df04eac3  
     Revision: 120
     Node Kind: directory
     Schedule: normal
     Last Changed Author: jlaw
     Last Changed Rev: 119
     Last Changed Date: 2014-03-18 15:32:24 -0700 (Tue, 18 Mar 2014)

Removing Empty Directories

  1. ** Create file in root of empty directory **

     $ touch
  2. ** Add file to Git history **

     $ git add
  3. ** Remove file utilizing Git **

     $ git rm
  4. ** Commit file via Git **

     $ git commit -m 'removed file/directory'
  5. ** Git - SVN Commit of Directory back to Remote **

     $ git svn dcommit --rmdir

Shortcuts (aliases)

The following should be placed in ~/.gitconfig.

    ci = commit
    co = checkout
    st = status
    br = branch
    lg = "log --pretty=format:'%h - %an, %ar : %s' --stat"
    lgg = "log --graph --decorate --oneline"
    stash-unapply = !git stash show -p | git apply -R
    # Show unpushed files
    notpushed = log --branches --not --remotes
    # git-svn specific commands
    si = svn info
    sr = svn rebase
    sf = svn fetch
    sfa = svn fetch --fetch-all
    # git-svn version of Pull/Push
    up = !"echo 'Pull'; git svn rebase; echo 'Push'; git svn dcommit --rmdir"

    # SVN checkout process: 
    # 1. Checkout {{branch}}
    # 2. Rebase
    # 3. SVN info
    # 4. Status
    # Alias argument:
    # $1: branch name
    # Changing to existing branch trunk
    # COMMAND: git svnco $1
    # EXAMPLE: git svnco trunk
    # NOTE: Branch must have been previously checked out and tracked by using the process set up in the 'snewbr' alias.
    svnco = !"f() { echo 'Checking out'; git co $1; echo 'Rebasing'; git svn rebase; echo 'Show SVN info & git status'; git svn info; git svn status; }; f"

    # Creating new branch from currently checked out branch
    # Alias takes two arguments:
    # $1: new branch name
    # $2: commit message
    # Current checked out branch 'ryans-cool-code'
    # COMMAND: git snewbr $1 $2
    # EXAMPLE: git snewbr ryans-cooler-code
    # This creates a new remotes branch called 'ryans-cooler-code' then checks out local and tracks remotes branch.
    snewbr = !"f() { echo 'Fetching remote data'; git sf; git svn branch -m '$2' $1; git co -b $1 remotes/$1; git sr; git ba; }; f"

    # Checking out new remote branch created by other author:
    # 1. Fetch
    # 2. Checkout (new branch flag)
    # 3. Rebase
    # Alias argument:
    # $1: branch name
    # Remote branch: remotes/ryans-cool-code
    # COMMAND: git sbr $1
    # EXAMPLE: git sbr ryans-cool-code
    sbr = !"f() { echo 'Fetching SVN data for most current branch list'; git svn fetch --fetch-all; echo 'Checkout and track remote branch $1'; git checkout -b $1 remotes/$1; echo 'Rebase branch after checkout'; git svn rebase; echo 'Display current state of local/remote branches'; git branch -a; }; f"

    # Remove branch from repository: local and remote.  Requires 'rr' to return current repo URL.  Process will ask for a commit message in external editor.
    # Alias argument:
    # $1: branch name
    # COMMAND: git rmbranch $1
    # EXAMPLE: git rmbranch jason
    rmbranch = !"f() { svn rm `git rr`/branches/$1; git branch -D $1; git branch -D -r $1; rm -rf .git/svn/refs/remotes/$1; }; f"
    # Display Repository Root URL
    rr = !git svn info | grep 'Repository Root' | awk '{print $NF}'


Utilize Git with a SVN repository






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