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A template repository for Java REST API using Ratpack server with Postgres database

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Bootstrap Java Backend

A template repository for backend Java REST API server with a database

Stack: Ratpack Server, Postgres DB, Gradle, Docker, Shell



For Windows, use gradlew.bat instead of ./gradlew

Refresh Gradle Dependencies & Build Source

./gradlew --refresh-dependencies clean build -x test

Run Unit Tests

./gradlew clean test

Refresh & List Gradle Dependencies without Building Source

./gradlew dependencies --refresh-dependencies


Start Application

This will boot up the entire application along with DB by performing the following tasks in the given order:

  • Build the source code
  • Run unit tests
  • Build backend-api docker image
  • Build and start Postgres and Postgres Admin containers
  • Start backend-api server container

Make sure you have DATA_DIR environment variable set. This directory will be used as a persistent volume mount for Postgres DB.

./gradlew fireUp

This will start three containers on same virtual network. Postgres Admin console will be available on http://localhost:5433 and REST API server will be available on http://localhost:5050

To inspect the network use the following command:

docker inspect <container-name> -f "{{json .NetworkSettings.Networks }}" | jq .

Here, <container-name> can be one of the three, {backend-api, postgres-db, postgres-admin} and jq is just used to format the json output.

Stop Application

./gradlew shutDown

Build Backend API Docker Image

./gradlew buildDockerImage

Start REST API Server (only API server, no DB)

./gradlew runServer