Verification of Neural Networks in Julia.
NeuralVerifier uses Z3 as the backend SMT solver. To run NeuralVerifier, this module must be installed via python's pip interface:
pip install z3-solver
After the installation of Z3, you will be ready to install this library. Installation can either be made from the REPL or a script.
] add
using Pkg
Once installed, you can import the library:
using NeuralVerifier;
The normal process of using framework is as follows:
- Create an SMT encoding of an existing network
- Instantiate an SMT solver
- Add your encoding and specifications to check to the solver
- Check for satisfiability
Create an SMT encoding of an existing Neural Network:
# build an network with FluxML
neural_network = Chain(
Dense(30, 20, Flux.relu),
Dense(20, 1)); # scalar output -- i.e. for regression
# train the network...
# generate the SMT encoding of the _trained_ network
encoding(x) = begin
detach(x) =
y = dense(x,
neural_network[1].W |> detach,
neural_network[1].b |> detach) |> relu;
y = dense(y,
neural_network[2].W |> detach,
neural_network[2].b |> detach);
In this example, we've created a function called encoding
that takes a argument -- the input to the neural network. This function creates a very basic two-layer fully-connected network using the existing weights and biases from the real network. Moreover, we may apply the non-linearity functions to each layer (such as 'relu' or 'softmax') in the usual manner.
We have used a function to create the encoding to allow us to re-use the encoding under different constraints in the SMT solver, instead of having to re-write the encoding process multiple times.
However, for clarity, here is another way of accomplishing the same goal with a more function composition centric writing style:
W_1 =[1].W)
b_1 =[1].b)
W_2 =[2].W)
b_2 =[2].b)
y = relu(dense(x, W_1, b_1))
y = softmax(dense(y, W_2, b_2))
In these examples, we are using FluxML network (using to extract the matrices from the computational graph), it is feasible -- but untested -- to use other arbitrary matrices from other ML libraries.
As per the installation requirements, this framework comes with Z3 and provides basic access to the python-api. This means that, using our encoding of the neural network, we can create and check for satisfiability of specifications directly in Julia.
To begin, we must first create our solver:
solver = Solver()
And add some variables that represent each dimension of the input
input = [Z3Float("x$i") for i = 1:INPUT_SIZE]
Notice how each input dimension was given a different name (i.e. x1, x2, and so on). If we didn't give the variable a unique name, it would have been overwritten in the Z3 solver.
We can then apply some additional constraint, such as the input must be within a particular range:
# all dimensions must be within the range (-10, 10)
for i = 1:INPUT_SIZE
add!(solver, input[i] < 10 ∧ input[i] > -10)
# or add!(solver, And(input[i] < 10, input[i] > -10)
And add out search condition (just another constraint).
# Is there some input within the range(-10, 10) that results in an output > 100
add!(solver, encoding(input) > 100)
Finally, we can start the verification process and check whether the constraints are satisfiable.
check(solver) # probably will take a while for very large networks
In summary our example script is as follows:
# build an network with FluxML
neural_network = Chain(
Dense(INPUT_SIZE, HIDDEN_SIZE, Flux.relu),
Dense(HIDDEN_SIZE, 1)); # scalar output -- i.e. for regression
# train the network...
# generate the SMT encoding of the _trained_ network
encoding(x) = begin
detach(x) =
y = dense(x,
neural_network[1].W |> detach,
neural_network[1].b |> detach) |> relu;
y = dense(y,
neural_network[2].W |> detach,
neural_network[2].b |> detach);
# instantiate our solver and add input variables
solver = Solver()
input = [Z3Float("x$i") for i = 1:INPUT_SIZE]
for i = 1:n_dims
add!(solver, input[i] < 10 ∧ input[i] > -10)
# add our final constraint to check for
add!(solver, encoding(input) > 100)
# check for satisfiability and print output
We have thus far included support for the following layers:
- Dense/Fully-connected (dense)
- 1D/2D convolutions (conv1D/conv2D respectively)
- Pooling operations (maxpool/avgpool)
- Matrix flattening (flatten)
And the following non-linearites:
- Sigmoid (sigmoid -- hidden non-linearities currently uses limited precision that is not yet production quality)
- ReLU (relu)
- Softmax (softmax)
While this covers a suprising number of basic configurations, contributions of more implementations are always welcome!