Tensorflow implementation of Theory and Experiments on Vector Quantized Autoencoders.
By modifying configurations, you can use VQVAE instead of soft EM version VQA (modify bottleneck_kind to vq in config.yml)
For more details, please refer to the paper or its precedent paper (Neural Discrete Representation Learning).
- Many codes of this repository are drawn from tensor2tensor library.
- As tensor2tensor is too big to understand at a glance, I draw some of their codes as concise as possible.
- All works are done in TensorFlow 1.12.
I got 24.9 BLEU score. It's quite not that bad, but still worse than the paper's result.
I trained with configurations as below:
- 4 V100 GPUs
- batch_size: 8192
- Knowledge Distillation from Transformer of OpenNMT-tf
- averages weights of recent checkpoints using avg_checkpoints.py
It took about 13 days to run 1M train steps.
In my experience, I figured more batch_size and number of gpus help to improve performance significantly.
Thus, there is a possiblility to get further improvements with 8 or more gpus training.
If you have enough gpus, please let me know the result.
Additionally, if there is any error, mis-implementation or mis-configuration, please let me know :).
# You can change filepaths by modifying 'config.yml'
# or you can change filepaths using --c config as below.
# python generate_data.py --c \
# source_vocab_file=/path/to/your-data-dir/vocab_src \
# target_vocab_file=/path/to/your-data-dir/vocab_tgt \
# source_train_file=/path/to/your-data-dir/train_src \
# target_train_file=/path/to/your-data-dir/train_tgt \
# source_eval_file=/path/to/your-data-dir/valid_src \
# target_eval_file=/path/to/your-data-dir/valid_tgt \
# record_train_file=/path/to/your-data-dir/train.tfrecords \
# record_eval_file=/path/to/your-data-dir/valid.tfrecords
python generate_data.py
# 1. Create log directory
mkdir /path/to/your-log-dir
# 2. (Optional) Copy configs
cp ./config.yml /path/to/your-log-dir
# 3. Run training
python train.py -m /path/to/your-log-dir
If you want to change hparams, then you can do it by choosing one of two options.
- modify config.yml
- add arguments as below:
python train.py -m /path/to/your-log-dir --c hidden_size=512 num_heads=8
# (Optional) Averaging checkpoints is mostly helpful to improve performance
python avg_checkpoints.py --prefix=/path/to/your-log-dir --num_last_checkpoints=20
# checkpoint config is optional
python decode.py \
--model_dir /path/to/your-log-dir \
--predict_file /path/to/wmt14_ende_distill/test.en \
--out_file out.txt
--checkpoint /tmp/averaged.ckpt-0
spm_decode \
--model=/path/to/OpenNMT-tf/scripts/wmt/wmtende.model \
--input_format=piece < out.txt > out.detok.txt
sh /path/to/OpenNMT-tf/scripts/wmt/get_ende_bleu.sh out.detok.txt
Current result:
BLEU = 24.89, 57.6/31.2/19.1/12.2 (BP=0.978, ratio=0.978, hyp_len=63093, ref_len=64496)
Source | Prediction | Ground Truth |
Gutach: Increased safety for pedestrians | Guts: Mehr Sicherheit für Fußgänger | Gutach: Noch mehr Sicherheit für Fußgänger |
They are not even 100 metres apart: On Tuesday, the new B 33 pedestrian lights in Dorfparkplatz in Gutach became operational - within view of the existing Town Hall traffic lights. | Sie sind nicht nicht einmal 100 Meter voneinander entfernt: Am Dienstag wurden die neuen Fußgängerzonen B 33 am Dorfparkplatz in Gutach im Hinblick auf die bestehende Ampel des Rathauses in Betrieb genommen. | Sie stehen keine 100 Meter voneinander entfernt: Am Dienstag ist in Gutach die neue B 33-Fußgängerampel am Dorfparkplatz in Betrieb genommen worden - in Sichtweite der älteren Rathausampel. |
Two sets of lights so close to one another: intentional or just a silly error? | Zwei Lichtsätze so nah aneinander: absichtlich oder nur ein dummer Fehler? | Zwei Anlagen so nah beieinander: Absicht oder Schildbürgerstreich? |
The above samples are just the first 3 sentences in the test set. More samples can be found in source.txt, prediction.txt and ground_truth.txt.