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Fast Encoding of Go Values

This project is an enhanced version of the package pkgsite/internal/godoc/codec.

The original motivation was fast decoding of parsed Go files, of type go/ast.File. The site saves these when processing a module, and decodes them on the serving path to render documentation. So decoding had to be fast, and had to handle the cycles that these structures contain. It also had to work with existing types that we did not control. We couldn't find any existing encoders with these properties, so we wrote our own.

For usage, see the package documentation.

Encoding Scheme

Go values are converted to byte sequences by mapping them to a low-level wire protocol.

Wire Protocol

The wire protocol is a virtual machine in which every encoded value begins with a 1-byte code that describes what (if anything) follows. The encoding does not preserve type information--for instance, the value 1 could be an int or a bool-- but it does have enough information to skip values, since the decoder must be able to do that if it encounters a struct field it doesn't know.

Most of the values of a value's initial byte can be devoted to small unsigned integers. For example, the number 17 is represented by the single byte 17. Only a few byte values have special meaning, as described below.

The nil code indicates that the value is nil. (We don't absolutely need this: we could always represent the nil value for a type as something that couldn't be mistaken for an encoded value of that type. For instance, we could use 0 for nil in the case of slices (which always begin with the nValues code), and for pointers to numbers like *int, we could use something like "nBytes 0". But it is simpler to have a reserved value for nil.)

The nBytes code indicates that an unsigned integer N is encoded next, followed by N bytes of data. There are optimized codes bytes0, bytes1, etc. for values of N from 0 to 4. These are used to represent strings and byte slices, as well numbers bigger than can fit into the initial byte.

The nValues code is for sequences of values whose size is known beforehand, like a Go slice or array.

The ptr and refPtr codes indicate a pointer to the encoded value. The latter signals to the decoder that it should remember the pointer because it will be referred to later in the stream.

The ref code is used to refer to an earlier encoded pointer. It is followed by a uint denoting the relative offset to the position of the corresponding refPtr code.

The start and end codes delimit a value whose length is unknown beforehand. They are used for structs.

Encoding Values

Small unsigned integers are encoded in a single byte, as described above. Those that can't fit into the initial byte are encoded as byte sequences of length 1, 2, 4 or 8, holding big-endian values. For example, 255 is encoded as bytes1 255.

Signed integers are encoded as unsigned integers using zig-zag encoding: positive numbers are encoded as twice their value, and negative numbers are encoded as twice their negated value minus 1. This maps small negative values to small unsigned numbers, since they tend to occur more frequently than large values of either sign.

A boolean true is encoded as 1, false as 0.

Strings, byte slices and byte arrays are encoded as sequences of bytes. For example, the string "hello" is represented as nBytes 5 'h' 'e' 'l' 'l' 'o'.

Floating-point values are encoded as unsigned integers, after reversing the bits. Reversing makes small integer-valued floats take less space.

Complex values are encoded as two-element lists of floats, using the nValues code.

Nil values are of course encoded with the nil code.

Arrays and slices of type other than byte are encoded with nValues. For example, the slice []string{"hi", "bye"} is encoded as

nValues 2 bytes2 'h' 'i' bytes3 'b' 'y' 'e'

Non-nil pointers are initially encoded with ptr followed by the encoding of the value. For instance, the encoding of p in

i := 3
p := &i

is ptr 3. If pointer tracking is enabled and the pointer is encountered again, then it is encoded with ref and the ptr code is backpatched to refPtr.

Interface values are encoded as a pair of a type number and the value. The type numbers are assigned during encoding and stored at the beginning of the output, so the decoder can set up the mapping before it begins.

To encode structs, the generator assigns a unique number to each field. An encoded struct begins with the start code and ends with end. Each non-zero field is encoded as its number followed by its value.

If a struct's fields are changed, the numbers can change. The encoder saves the numbers assigned to to each field name in the encoded data, and the decoder maps those numbers to the numbers assigned by the generated code. For example, if F is the second field of a struct, it will be assigned 1. A struct value is encoded, along with the association of "F" to 1. Then the struct is re-arranged and F becomes the third field, where it is assigned 2. When the encoded data is decoded, the decoder will map an encoded field value of 1 to 2.

The encoder recognizes types that implement encoding.BinaryMarshaler and encoding.TextMarshaler, and uses those methods.

Comparison with Other Encoders

This encoder uses code generation instead of reflection, so it is usually faster than reflection-based encoders like encoding/gob and encoding/json. It is also faster than, even when that uses code generation. See internal/benchmarks for comparison with the gob and ugorji codecs on a suite of benchmarks.

Those benchmarks turn off this codec's ability to handle pointer sharing. Turning on that feature slows it down noticeably. But the other encoders can't handle sharing at all.

The gvisor project has their own encoder, which does handle sharing. See I haven't benchmarked it. From reading the code:

  • It does have some features this encoder lacks, like some custom hooks.

  • It doesn't seem to provide for skipping unknown struct fields.

  • It seems that only types under programmer control can be encoded, because they have to implement certain methods.

  • It appears that values must be converted to and from a set of types used by the wire protocol (in state/wire). For example, a []float64 must be first transformed into a wire.Slice that holds a []wire.Float64 before encoding, and the reverse must happen on decoding. It seems this is done cheaply with some unsafe code (pkg/state/encode_unsafe.go). But it's not clear why the extra level of abstraction is necessary.

  • It handles more forms of sharing than this encoder. For example, consider a pointer to a struct field like

    type S struct { X int }
    s := &S{X: 1}
    p := &s.X
    x := []interface{}{s, p}

    Encoding x with will maintain the relationship between p and s.X. This encoder will not; it only recognizes sharing when the pointers are explicit, like

    s := &S{X: 1}
    p := s