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Easy Internal Notification management for laravel 4.* / 5.*

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Notifynder is a package that implement on your application a management system of internal notifications. Similar to facebook notifications. With this solid API you will implent the notifications system in no time.

####Working Progress####

  • Version 3 of Notifynder Working in progress, for any suggest on futures to implement feel free to contact me.
  • Documentation will be Higly Improved.

####What's new####

#####Release 1.4.0#####

#####Release 1.4.5#####

#####Release 1.6.0#####

#####Release 2.0.0#####

#####Release 2.1.0#####


Step 1

Add it on your composer.json

"fenos/notifynder": "2.5.*"

and run composer update

Step 2

Add the following string to app/config/app.php

Providers array:


Aliases array:

'Notifynder'    => 'Fenos\Notifynder\Facades\Notifynder'

Step 3


Make sure that your settings on app/config/database.php are correct, then make the migration typing:

php artisan migrate --package="fenos/notifynder"

Step 4

Connecting to the user Model

Notifynder use a user model to get informations from who sent the notification and who receive the notification, so if you have a different name of User model, publish the configurations files and fill the path of your model.

php artisan config:publish fenos/notifynder

That's it! we have done with the installation!


Artisan Commands

Once you installed Notifynder you should see 4 new commands

  • php artisan notifynder:category-add
  • php artisan notifynder:category-delete
  • php artisan notifynder:group-add
  • php artisan notifynder:group-add-category

Category Commans

Add Category

This command add a category in your database it has 2 arguments

  • name of the category : name.category
  • text of the category : "Text of the category"
php artisan notifynder:category-add name.category "text of the category"

Delete Category

This command will delete a category created it has 1 argument

  • name of the category : name.category
php artisan notifynder:category-delete name.category

Groups Commands

Group Add

This command will create a group in your database it has 1 argument

  • name of the group :
php artisan notifynder:group-add

Group Add Category

It add a category in a group (In your pivot table) it has 1 argument and 1 option

  • argument - name of the group :
  • option - categories : --categories="category.A, categoryB"
php artisan notifynder:group-add-category --categories="category.A, categoryB"

Notification Categories

The notification categories are just the body of the your notification. As first release we have only 2 fields availables:

  • name
  • text

Add categories

Let's say an example, We want to add a Body Text notification that says: News recently updated from the city of London

Well for create that it's easy:

Notifynder::addCategory('londonNews','News recently updated from the city of London');

Like so we have added a category in our database. As First parameter we will add the key of the notification, as second paramenter we add the body.

Update categories

$new_informations = array( 'body' => 'New body of the category' );


As first parameter you pass an array with keys of the fields that you want update and the value with the new content. As second paramenter you pass the id of the current category to update.

Second option

On the second option, if you don't want hardcode the id of the category you can update your row simply like so:

    $new_informations = array( 'body' => 'New body of the category' );

catch(Fenos\Notifynder\Exceptions\NotificationCategoryNotFoundException $e)

    // category not found


On the category method you'll pass the name of the category that you want update and on the update method just the informations.

Delete categories

For the delete a category just:


As first parameter you pass the id of the category you want to delete or again you can use the method category and it will think about to get the id for you just passing the name

catch(Fenos\Notifynder\Exceptions\NotificationCategoryNotFoundException $e)

    // category not found


Advanced Categories

In the release 1.4.0 the migration file has changed adding one more column called "extra" to the table notifications

The advanced categories permit to have a really nice body text inseting "special values". this "special values" will be dynamic and parsed from notifynder. Let's see an example for understand better the logic:

We want to have a notificaton that says: User X has invited you on the event NOTIFYNDER/

But we know that user X and NOTIFYNDER will change for different users and events. For achieve this result when you create the category see the code example:

Notifynder:addCategory('inviteEvent','User {} has invited you on the event {extra}'); // that's it!

The values between {} are the specials values but how you saw on the example I used the first one with the dot annotation and the second one without it why?

This two values are really different, because the first one get the value from the current relation of the user table so you can use all the felds about the user that sent the notification, example: user.surname. Instead the {extra} value a static special value and it will be replaced from the value extra in your table notifications. So for now you are limited to have as many as you want for relation values and 1 extra value on your body text. on the future release this limit will be deleted.

Send Notification / s

Notifynder allow to send a single notification or multiple notifications at once. Let's see how:


With the new version 2.0 the only method you need to use is the send method. Doesn't matter if is a single o multiple notifications notifynder will take care of it. The others methods are still available for the older versions.

$notification_information = array(

    'from_id'     => 1, // ID user that send the notification
    'to_id'       => 2, // ID user that receive the notification
    'category_id' => 1, // category notification ID
    'url'         => '', // Url of your notification

Notifynder::send($notification_information); // it just send!

Send Single Notification

$notification_information = Notifynder::builder()->from('User',1)

Notifynder::sendOne($notification_information); // it just send!

But remember you can always use the method category() and don't hard code the category id!


   $notification_information = Notifynder::builder()->from('User',1)

    Notifynder::category('londonNews')->sendOne($notification_information); // it just send!
catch(Fenos\Notifynder\Exceptions\NotificationCategoryNotFoundException $e)

    // category not found


Send multiple notifications

Now it's time to send multiple notification at once! The only thing you need to keep attention is that created_at and updated_at are not updated automatically so just put it on your array :)

$notification_information = Notifynder::loop([1,2],function($builder,$key,$data){

   return $builder->from('User',$data)



Notifynder Builder

The Builder is the resource for create fast and readable data that will passied to a notifynder sender, to complete the action. ( Very Usefeul associated to the Notifynder Handler ).

Each method is the equivalent of a property that notifynder can send. There are 4 required fields for send a notification:

  • from_id
  • to_id
  • url
  • category_id



Let's strat seeing the methods:


This method set the entity that will send the notification.

You can pass 1 or 2 arguments in this method, if you pass 2 arguments means that the first one is the Name of the entity second id

$entity_id = 1;
$entity_name = "User;



This method set the entity that will receive the notification.

You can pass 1 or 2 arguments in this method, if you pass 2 arguments means that the first one is the Name of the entity second id

$entity_id = 1;
$entity_name = "User;



This method set the url of the notification.

It Accept only 1 argument, string of the url:



This method set the category of the notification, you can pass the name or the id of it as first argument.



This method set the extra parameter of the notification, it accept 1 argument the string of the extra parameter.

Notifynder::builder()->extra('Extra Parameter');

Get Array

This method get the array built from the builder, it's need it only when you build a single notification as the example above.


Build multiple notifications

The Loop method iterate the aguments passed as one Collection or array. It permit you to built your multi-notifications data to send in few readable lines. Every thing inside the closure is like a foreach of the data passed.

$dataToIterate = User::all();

$MultiNotificationsArray = Notifynder::builder()->loop($dataToIterate,function($builder,$key,$data)
   if ($data == 1) // put the conditional if you wish
      return $builder->from('User',$data->id)

It simply create an array for all you users as example.


This method allow you to be a bit more flexible to create your notification if need it.All the builder method will be inside a closure and you don't need to call getArray().

$user_id = 1;

$singleNotification = Notifynder::builder()->raw(function($builder) use ($user_id){

   return $builder->from('User',1)


Read Notification/s

Now is time to make it read when the user read the notification/s! Let's see how!

Read One

With this method will make read a single notification giving the id of it. if you give an ID that doesn't exist prepare yourself to catch an exception


    Notifynder::readOne($notification_id); // That's It
catch(Fenos\Notifynder\Exceptions\NotificationNotFoundException $e)

    // Notification not found


Read All

With this method will make read all the notifications that hasn't been read but this time you will pass the id of the user. The equivalent to the id of the to_id filed on the you table.

Notifynder::readAll($to_id); // this will make read all the notifications not read of this user user

Read Limit

Well when is time to have thousand of notifications to read you will need to set up a Queues or something and this method will be really useful to you. In few words this method will let you make read only the number of notifications you set! If you want to update the last 10 notifications or the first one Let's see how:

$to_id = 1;

Notifynder::readLimit($to_id,10,'ASC'); // This method will update the first 10 notifications of the user with ID 1


  • first : To id (Id of the user)
  • second : numbers of notifications you want to make read,
  • third : direction of the order - 'ASC' / 'DESC'

Retrive notifications

Now we did everything but we need somehow to get this notifications! Let's see how:

Get Not Read

This method will get all notifications not read giving the user id

Notifynder::getNotRead($user_id); // get all not read

You can also limit the results passing the value as second parameter:

Notifynder::getNotRead($user_id,10); // get 10 notifications not read

Do you need to paginate the notifications? give a true value as third parameter it will do the trick!

Notifynder::getNotRead($user_id,10,true); // get notifications not read paginating 10 results per page

Get All

This method will get all notifications Even the read, about the current user, of course the notifications not read will be at first position.

Notifynder:getAll($user_id); // get all notifications


Notifynder::getAll($user_id,10) // get all notifications limiting at 10 the result

Paginate the result


Delete Notification

As before we have 3 methods availables to manage the action to delete the notifications let's see how use it.

Delete single

For delete a single notification we pass the id of the current notification to delete simply like so:

Notifynder::delete( 2 ); // it will detele the notification with ID 2

Delete All

This method will delete all notifications about the current user passed as first parameter.

Notifynder::deleteAll( 1 ); // it will delete all notification of the user with ID 1

Delete Limit

This method will be very useful as the Notifynder::readLimit() because it give you possibility to limit the notifications to delete very useful associated to a cron job.

Notifynder::deleteLimit( 1, 10, 'ASC' )

as first parameter you will pass the id of the user, as second parameter you will pass the number of notifications to delete, as third parameter you will pass the order that will start to count the number of notifications "ASC" - "DESC"

Notifications Handler

The Notifynder handler is a gold resource when your application has many notifications to handle. The scope of this handler is just return the array with the right information for send the notification.

Scenario when the handler is useful:

I created an sport event in the my application, and i want send notifications to all my followers. The handler will be responsable to get the followers of the user and build the tipical array that notifynder will store in the database.

Let's see how to use it.


in your app/start/global.php Initialize the listeners that you will go to listen, like so.


Next in the configuration of your package you will see a listeners.php file. It will store all your listeners for the notifications.

Add a listener The handler use the EventDispatcher that laravel provide, so for add a listener use the following convention:

return [

   'listeners' => [
      'event.*' => 'EventHandler' // full namespace of the class

it means that for every event that start with event "namespace" it will Trigger the EventHandler Class. That's it we have the listener set up.

Create the class handler

Now you need to create the class that will fire every time the event has been fired. Make sure that the class extends Fenos\Notifynder\Handler\NotifynderDispatcher

Fire a listener

At this point we need to fire the event listener. Again the handler will be responsable only to return the array that notifynder need to send the notifications.

When you fire a method it will get the built array and will send automatically the notifications.

For fire a method you'll use the fire() method.


it except 3 arguments:

  • $key will be the key that will fire the listener
  • $name_category will be the name of the category you wish to send
  • $extraData will be the data you will pass in the handler method

Continuing with our example let's say that we fire the key event.users.followers

Handler Class

Let's create out Handler Class for this example:

use Fenos\Notifynder\Handler\NotifynderDispatcher;

class EventHandler extends NotifynderDispatcher
   public function usersFollowers($extraData,$name_category,Notifynder $notifynder)
      $followers = // same logic for get the followers;
      $notifications = [];
      foreach($followers as $follower)
         $notifications[] = [
             'from_id'     => 1, 
             'from_type'   => "User", 
             'to_id'       => 2, 
             'to_type'     => "User",  
             'category_id' => 1, 
             'url'         => '',
      return $notifications;

The event that fire with the given key event.users.followers will fire the method UsersFollowers.

How the convention work?

In this case event is only the namespace of our event. After the first dot will be the name of the method in camel case so UsersFollowers.

The method fired

The method will have 3 arguments to work with:

  • $extraData : The extra data you passed on the fire method
  • $category_name : name of the category to send
  • $notifynder: Notifynder Object

if It return false or an empty array the notifications will be not sent.

Delegate Events

Another beautiful future of notifynder is the delegation of events. It will be useful when a given action you need to send differents categories of notifications. It use extacly the same logic of the handler but just the method fire change.


Coninuing the event example, when I create an event I want notify even the admin that an event has been created with a differnt notification.

I will another method called admins on the event class

so now is time to delegate the notifictions


'user.follower' => 'event.users.followers',
'admin'         => 'event.admins'


The delegate method accept 2 arguments:

  • $extraData : the data passed to the handler class,
  • array: Associative array with the key name of the category and value the key of the event

Now the followers will receive the notification with the body of the category user.follower and the admins with the category admin

Group Notifications

The group of notifications are useful when you want send the differents notifications to the same member, not be confused with the delegate method.

The difference is that this method will send differents categories to the same member. Instead the delegation send differents or same categories to differents members.

Group Categories

To get started you have to create the group by artisan command see section commands, and add even categories to group created always with the artisan command.

** Send Group **

Now we want to send the categories of the group to a member:

$info = [
    'from_id'     => 1,
    'to_id'       => 2,
    'url'         => '',

Notifynder::sendGroup($info); // will send to the member 2 all the categories associated with group

Method Category()

The method category before used on the documentation give you the possibility to don't hard code the id of the category but instead write the name of it. But how it work? It does a query to the database for get the correct ID. But hey stay easy it is lazy loading like so even if you use that method for 100 notifications of the same type it will do only 1 quick query.

Also remember: If you digit a name that doesn't exist on the database it will throw an exception but you can always catch it.


Notifynder::category('notFound')->id(); // or whenever method you use

catch(Fenos\Notifynder\Exceptions\NotificationCategoryNotFoundException $e)

// category not found


Notifications Queue

Notifynder use a easily approch to send notifications via queue. We all know that the notifications are strongly associated to a queue system. If you want enable automatically the queue when send notifications, go in the config.php file of the package

change the queue value to true That's it! (Obviously make sure your queue settings are correct) Every time you send a notification notifynder will push the job to a queue.

if instead you have the queue enabled and you don't want send the notification via queue but send it immediately. use the sendNow() method.


Notifynder Polymorphic

If you have a previous release already installed before upgrade to the 1.6.0 please see the Upgrade Release section.

On the release 1.6.0 Notifynder becomes polymorphic, or well just if you want!! What does it mean that Notifynder is polymorphic? Notifynder was binded with a User model, so the system of notifications could be use it only beetween users. But now you can decide if use it as normal just for users or if you need more power transform it Polymorphically.

Let's see how it work:

The magic is on the configutation file, so if you didn't push them just do it:

php artisan config:publish fenos/notifynder

then you will see a new value polymorphic setted to false just swap it to true and that's it now notifynder work polymorphically.

####Set up relations on your models####

The models that you wish to have as morphed to Notifynder must include the following relations:

public function notifications_sender()
    return $this->morphMany('Fenos\Notifynder\Models\Notification','from');

public function notifications_receiver()
    return $this->morphMany('Fenos\Notifynder\Models\Notification','to');

####Entity method() ####

An Important method will help you to differentiate the models associated with notifynder when it comes polymorphcally.

So every time you will use a method that require the $user_id when polymorphic is disabled you'll now use the method entity to specify the model like so:

// Get all notifications about the User with ID 1

// Delete All notifications about the Team with ID 2

That's It! :)

####Send notifications polymorphically####

Just remeber to add of the default array this 2 field: from_type, to_type

$notification_information = array(

    'from_id'     => 1, // ID user that send the notification
    'from_type'   => "User", // Type of model used for polymorphic relation
    'to_id'       => 2, // ID user that receive the notification
    'to_type'   => "User",  // Type of model used for polymorphic relation
    'category_id' => 1, // category notification ID
    'url'         => '', // Url of your notification



When you have a good system of notifications and you want extends that notifications to multiple languages, Notifynder use a easy approch for make it work.

You have to publish the configurations files, doing:

php artisan config:publish fenos/notifynder

Under the directory app/config/packages/fenos/notifynder you will find a file called translations.php that file is the right place to put your translations.

You will see that file with an array with same keys of the languages availables, feel free to add how many languages you want.

Inside that array you will put another array with they key as the name of your category and the value with the translation of it.

return array(

        'it' => array( // italian language

            // name category
            'comment' => 'ho postato un commento' // translation


        'fr' => array ( // french language

            'comment' => 'J'ai posté un commentaire'

And now for retrieve the notifications translated, you use as normal the methods getAll - getNotRead but you easilly chain the method translate with the language as first parameter:

Notifynder::getAll( 2 )->translate('it');

It will return to you the body translated!

Extend the model class

Well, I like have packages more extendible possible, so I give you the possibility to extend the model for make your own staff become real.

Even here you will have to take a look the configuration file. Under the key notification_model you have to change the current model with the namespace / name of your model and extend it with the previous one.

use Fenos\Notifynder\Models\Notification;

class NewNotificationModel extends Notification


Upgrade Release

Migrate to Release 1.4.5 to 1.6.0 Important Notes:

  1. Migrations file are changed just adding 2 columns from_type, from_id
  2. Now for access to the relation of the sender when you get the notifications use from instead user


$allNotifications = Notifynder::getAll(1);

foreach($allNotifications as $notification)
    // New release 1.6.0
    <li>The notification has been sent from: {{ $notification->from->name }}</li>

    // Preious release
    <li>The notification has been sent from: {{ $notification->user->name }}</li>

Issues Knowed

  • Pagination Notifications, it doesn't parse correctly the special values. ( I will fix it, when I have a bit of free time).
  • The documentation is quite long and I hope understandable, my mother language is not english, I'm sorry for some spelling errors during your reading. If you want to correct it feel free to do it.


If you don't understand how to use the library, please feel free to ask any question in the issues section.


I Made 2 type of tests, Unit Tests and Integration Tests. If you want to run them just go inside the package directory and run phpunit


© Copyright Fabrizio Fenoglio

Released package under MIT Licence.


Easy Internal Notification management for laravel 4.* / 5.*






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