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Jbeast291's Subnautica Mods

A collection of mods that I created for subnautica. If you have any questions or comments contact me on discord: (Jbeast291 0001) If you find that one of my mods dosent work with another please create contact me (Jbeast291 0001) and i will try my best to fix it. If you want to contibute to my mods or colaborate contact me on discord.

[Life Pod Remastered] NOT 2.0 YET

Go to This Trello board to see my progress of updating it :)

TLDR: Many Impovemts giving the user more choice to how the life pod spawns and extra features ingame. You can make the pod sink and spawn in the air for example. The pod gains a parachute when falling in the air for a more immersive and cinematic event. There are also many other features you can see ingame.

(this is a remake of the mod life pod unleash to be more userfriendly and feature rich)


Mode Description
Specific Point Click on the map anywere for your desired point
Preset Point A colection of preset points i have created. I havnt play tested any of them but they should make for a challenging run
Random Point Press the Randomize Point button to get a random point. If the random point is in the void or in a bad spot press it again
Input Coords Type in your desired coordinates to set were the pod spawns. Format should be -> (10, 10, 10) or 10, 10, 10

Pod features

The parachute has been added to your pod. Since you are falling out of the sky it only makes sense that you have something to slow your fall!


(These features are changable via the ingame config menu)

Feature Description
Heavy Pod If toggled true the Life Pod will sink in the water
Heavy Pod Intensity If the heavy pod is enabled the rate of sinkage can be changed by this slider
Air Spawn If toggled true the life pod will spawn in the air for a more cinematic effect of falling to the planet surface
Air Spawn Height Change the height of the pod spawn if Air Spawn is enabled
Disable First Time Animations Remove the annoying cinematic cutscenes when you leave the pod the first time
Parachute Turn the parachute ontop of your pod on or off
Skip Intro Automatically Skip the games cinematic intro automatically
Show Text On Map Change weather the text on the map should be displayed or not (its mor low res because I couldnt find I high res version online. If you have one please contract me)

Extra Notes:

Dependencies: SmlHelper

Special thanks to MrPurple6411, Cattlesquat, and Oldark1 for creating the original life pod unleashed mod. Without them I probably wouldn't have as many features in this mod or have been inspired to make this in the first place. Really there amazing so go check out their other mods!


MapShowcase ParachuteShowcase

[Day Counter Chip]

[Knife Multipliers]

Change the damage or range of the knife or heatblade

In game options menue lets you toggle and change the values of damage and range

Dependencies: SmlHelper