sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install mysql-server
sudo apt install nodejs
sudo apt install npm
bash ./
disconnect and log back in
nvm install v16.17.0
node --version
sudo apt install git
mkdir project
cd project
git clone
cd roombooking
npm init
use nano to create .env file (contains security details so not synced with git)
sudo mysql
mysql> source ./database-backups/gscreate.sql
mysql> quit
npm install dotenv mysql2 express express-session ejs sanitize-html body-parser bcrypt path cookie-parser morgan tinymce@^6 multer speakeasy qrcode
sudo apt install -g forever
forever start app.js
to stop the application
forever stop app.js
Disk for install of libraries and dependencies: 1Gib - this may vary depending on your target platform treat this as a minimum.
Disk for room images: 1Gib recommended. Will grow dependent on size and volume of images stored in /media/rooms
Disk for application code: 100Mib
O/S: Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS or higher
Architecture: x86_64 (64-bit support required)
Processor: Intel Core Processor, Broadwell generation or later
Cores: At least 1 core (Note: More cores are recommended for improved performance)
Threads per Core: At least 1
Virtualization Support: If running in a virtualized environment, a hypervisor supporting full virtualization (e.g., KVM) is required.
CPU Frequency: Minimum 2.0 GHz
Cache: Minimum L1 cache of 32K for data and 32K for instructions, L2 cache of 4096K (4MB)
Memory: minimum 512MiB (for O/S and just this application running)
the test login, for a society leader, is
- u:
- p: test
the test login, for a coordinator, is
- u:
- p: test
the test login, for an administrator, is -u: -p: admintest