CodeWatch is an open source desktop client for ActivityWatch. It focuses on software development and productivity related tasks.
You can download the latest installer from the releases section.
Install ActivityWatch. Check out their homepage for instructions. Make sure the server is running.
Install the extension for Visual Studio Code, here.
Add an entry to the CORS configuration so the application can communicate with
~/Library/Application\ Support/activitywatchaw-server.toml
(Config docs) and addcors_origins = "tauri://localhost"
to the[server]
- MacOS (universal installer)
We plan on creating installers for Windows and Linux.
- Visual Studio Code
We plan on extending this list as long as there's an activity watch extension for it already.
Some of the features being considered:
- Filters by project and/or language
- Support more code editors
- Windows/Linux support
- Display CPU/RAM etc info with
- A more performant charts library
- Better error handling
Feel free to open an issue!