Welcome to jcarchive/aur-packages, a collection of custom packages for the Arch User Repository (AUR). These packages have been created or modified to suit my own needs on Arch Linux, and are not maintained by the official AUR maintainers.
jetbrains/pycharm: The Python IDE for professional developers
jetbrains/clion: A cross-platform IDE for C and C++ development
jetbrains/datagrip: A powerful database IDE for SQL developers
jetbrains/idea: The Java IDE for professional developers
jetbrains/rider: The cross-platform .NET IDE based on IntelliJ platform
jetbrains/webstorm: The smartest JavaScript IDE
microsoft/azure-cli: Command-line tools for Azure management
microsoft/functions-core-tools: A set of tools for Azure Functions development
microsoft/powershell: An open-source, cross-platform command-line shell and scripting language
All packages in this repository utilize the standard directories installation for Arch Linux.
- Application files are located in
- The symbolic link to the main executable is located in
- Desktop files, if needed, are located in
Be sure to check the installation instructions for each package before proceeding.
This repository is regularly updated with new packages and updates to existing packages.