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Text objects for dealing with URIs and passing them on to other programs/handlers.


I recommend installing pathogen.vim, and then execute the following commands:

  1. Install vim-textobj-user

  2. Install vim-textobj-uri

    cd ~/.vim/bundle git clone


Once installed, vim-textobj-uri provides these text objects for dealing with URIs:

  • au refers to a whole URI including trailing spaces. Example: cau changes the URI the cursor is on, including trailing spaces
  • iu refers to a whole URI without trailing spaces. Example: ciu changes the URI the cursor is on without trailing spaces

For passing URIs to other programs or handlers, the go keybinding is provided. Example text in Vim:

some text http://www.| some more text

The cursor (|) is within the URI. Typing go will open this URI in the default web browser on Linux systems.


All configuration is stored in global variables starting with g:textobj_uri_.

Add more patterns and handlers

With the following command custom patterns and handlers can be specified:


During initialisation of vim the command :URIPatternAdd might not be available, yet. Another way to add a pattern is to use the following function call:

:call textobj#uri#add_pattern(<CLEAR_PATTERNS>, <PATTERN>, [<HANDLER>], [<FILETYPE>, [<FILETYPE>]])

Integration with other programs is done through a connection of a certain regex pattern with a handler. The handler is optional, it's only used by the go keybinding.


:URIPatternAdd spotify:[a-zA-Z0-9]\\+ :silent\ !spotify-client\ "%s"

For both, pattern and handler, spaces need to be escaped with backslash (\). By adding a bang (!) to the command all existing patterns are cleared and replaced by the new pattern.

The pattern is spotify:[a-zA-Z0-9]\\+, it could be anything that should be a URI.

The handler is :silent\ !spotify-client\ "%s". Handlers are either vim commands starting with a colon (:) or vim normal mode commands not starting with colon. If %s is present in the handler it will be replaced with URI. Attention, special characters will not be escaped! In addition, g:textobj_uri will be set to URI. It might be safter to use the variable to access URI.

If the pattern contains a sub-expression than the match of the first sub-expression is returned as URI. This makes it easy to take only a portion of the URI for further processing. Sub-expressions are enclosed by \( and \). Example pattern:


The pattern matches a spotify URI but only the portion after the colon is passed on to the handler.

It is also possible to build sophisticated handlers that extract a portion of a URI to process it further. E.g. this URI pattern handles bug references in the form of: Bug #1234. It builds a new URL from a static string and the extracted bug id:

:URIPatternAdd Bug:\\?\ #\\?[0-9]\\+ :exec\ ":!silent\ xdg-open\ '".substitute("%s","^[bB]ug:\\\\?\ #\\\\?\\\\([0-9]\\\\+\\\\)$","\\\\1",'')."'"

The above example can also be achieved using sub-expressions:

:URIPatternAdd Bug:\\?\ #\\?\\([0-9]\\+\\) :silent\ !xdg-open\ ''

Add positioning patterns

In markup languages URIs consist of more than the plain URI. In addition to the URI there is a special syntax for combining it with, i.e. a description. To support also these types of URIs so called positioning patterns can be specified. These patterns contain the special vim-regex expression \zs which defines the position where the actual URI starts. The cursor will be put at this position and than the URI patterns are applied.

The following command specifies a positioning pattern:

:URIPositioningPatternAdd <PATTERN> [<FILETYPE> [<FILETYPE>]]

During initialisation of vim the command :URIPatternAdd might not be available, yet. Another way to add a pattern is to use the following function call:

:call textobj#uri#add_positioning_pattern(<CLEAR_PATTERNS>, <PATTERN>, [<FILETYPE>, [<FILETYPE>]])


:URIPositioningPatternAdd \[[^]]*\](\zs[^)]\+) markdown

This is a link pattern in Markdown syntax. The cursor can be anywhere on this link, using the text objects or triggering the handler will move it to the URI and will work only on it.

  1. Initial text, cursor is represented by |:

    some text [Link |description](

  2. Text after changing the URI by typing ciu:

    some text [Link description](|)


  • add text objects that match till the start and end of a URI
  • add command URIOpen that takes a URI and opens it with the appropriate handler
  • add mapping to run URIOpen on a visual mode selection
  • add more file type specific positioning patterns


MIT License, see LICENSE file


Text objects for dealing with URIs







No packages published

Contributors 4
