Think of mwdoc as a tool that allows to easily version mediawiki pages.
For example, pages like:
... can be automatically created from:
Installing mwdoc
will automatically install the required dependencies.
pip install mwdoc
- Create pages:
import mwdoc
doc = mwdoc.Documentation('', '/w/')
doc.login('john', 'password')
doc.createPage('0.1', 'mypage', 'This is content of my page', 'Documentation')
doc.createPage('0.1', 'mytemplate', 'This is content of my template', 'Template:Documentation')
- Version pages from 0.1 to 0.2:
import mwdoc
doc = mwdoc.Documentation('', '/w/')
doc.login('john', 'password')
doc.versionPages('0.1', '0.2', ['Documentation', 'Template:Documentation'])
- List pages:
import mwdoc
doc = mwdoc.Documentation('', '/w/')
doc.login('john', 'password')
pages = doc.listPages('Documentation')
for page in pages:
templatepages = doc.listPages('Template:Documentation')
for page in templatepages:
- Delete pages:
import mwdoc
doc = mwdoc.Documentation('', '/w/')
doc.login('john', 'password')
pages = doc.listPages('Documentation')
for page in pages:
- mwclient, the client to MediaWiki API
Do NOT run this test against a production installation. We mean it.
The test will create pages, version them and delete them afterward.
To run the test:
git clone git:// && cd $_
pip install -r requirements.txt
python -m unittest test_mwdoc
It will then ask for:
- Hostname (e.g
) - Path (e.g
) - Username
- Password
Once you've made your great commits:
- Fork mwdoc
- Create a topic branch -
git checkout -b my_branch
- Push to your branch -
git push origin my_branch
- Create an Issue with a link to your branch
- That's it!
A core developer should use the following steps to create a release of mwdoc.
as described here. -
Make sure that all tests are passing.
Tag the release. Requires a GPG key with signatures. For version X.Y.Z:
git tag -s -m "mwdoc X.Y.Z" X.Y.Z upstream/master
- Create the source tarball and binary wheels:
git checkout master
git fetch upstream
git reset --hard upstream/master
rm -rf dist/
python sdist bdist_wheel
- Upload the packages to the testing PyPI instance::
twine upload --sign -r pypitest dist/*
Check the PyPI testing package page.
Upload the packages to the PyPI instance::
twine upload --sign dist/*
Check the PyPI package page.
Make sure the package can be installed::
mkvirtualenv test-pip-install
pip install mwdoc
rmvirtualenv test-pip-install
Please see the GitHub project page at
- PyPI:
- Code:
git clone git://
- Home:
- Bugs:
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.