The Canadian Writing Research Collaboratory (CWRC) is developing an in-browser text markup editor (CWRC-Writer) for use by collaborative scholarly editing projects. Project Site
CWRC-Writer is a wysiwyg text editor for in-browser XML editing and stand-off RDF annotation. The editor is a JQuery customization of the TinyMCE editor. CWRC-Writer requires several (not provided) supporting services:
- document store, to list/retrieve/save/delete/update XML documents
- annotation store, to list/retrieve/save/delete/update RDF annotations
- XML validation service
- authentication/authorization, as needed
- entity management service, to lookup/add/edit entities (people,places,events)
- XML schemas
- template service, to provide predefined XML templates
- documentation service, to provide help for various functions
The services are configured through a 'delegator' class to which the CWRC-Writer makes predefined calls without any knowledge of the underlying implementation, allowing easier substitution of your own document store, etc. If you have existing server-side services, you'll create a delegator to call out to your services. You may alternatively create a delegator that implements some or all services in-browser. Most of the work in setting up CWRC-Writer for your project will be implementing a delegator, and the corresponding services if you don't already have them.
CWRC-Writer uses RequireJS to load its files. The dependencies are defined in See for a working example.
require.config({baseUrl: 'js'});
require(['jquery', 'knockout'], function($, knockout) {
window.ko = knockout; // requirejs shim isn't working for knockout
], function(Writer, Delegator) {
$(function() {
// initialize the Writer
writer = new Writer(config);
writer.init('editor'); // convert the textarea with id "editor" to the CWRC-Writer
writer.event('writerInitialized').subscribe(function(writer) {
// load modules then do the setup
], function(EntitiesList, Relations, Selection, StructureTree, Validation) {
// initialize modules and do layout
See for an example of module initialization and layout.
The bulk of the work in setting up the CWRC-Writer is in the delegator. The following UML diagram shows how the default CWRC-Writer delegates for the CWRC project. The methods that must be implemented for a new project are those in the 'delegator' class.
: The lookup call to find an entity identifier (URI) in the entity database. An entity can be a person, place, event.- Returns: A URI for the selected entity.
: String. An absolute URL that should point to the root of the CWRC-Writer directory. Required.config.mode
: String. The mode to start the CWRC-Writer in. Can be eitherxml
: Boolean. Should overlapping entities be allowed initially?.config.project
: String. Denotes the current project. Not currently used.config.schemas
: Object. A map of schema objects that can be used in the CWRC-Writer. Each entry should contain the following:name
: The schema title.url
: An url that links to the actual schema (RELAX NG) file.cssUrl
: An url that links to the CSS associated with this schema.schemaMappingsId
: The directory name associated with this schema. This is used to load appropriate mapping and dialogs files from the schema directory:
: Object. Contains various urls for use by the CWRC-Dialogs. See writerConfig.js for an example.config.buttons1
: String. A comma separated list of plugins that will be set in the toolbars in the CWRC-Writer. Some possible values are:addperson, addplace, adddate, addorg, addcitation, addnote, addtitle, addcorrection, addkeyword, addlink, editTag, removeTag, addtriple, viewsource, editsource, validate, savebutton, loadbutton
The CWRC-Writer can be configured for individual documents by including configuration information in the documents themselves:
The default mode is XML & RDF. This can be overridden by a cw:mode
setting in the RDF:
<rdf:Description rdf:about="http://localhost:8080/editor/documents/null">
where allowable values for cw:mode
0 = XML & RDF
1 = XML
2 = RDF
The default is to disallow overlapping annotations. This can be overridden by a cw:allowOverlap
setting in the RDF:
<rdf:Description rdf:about="http://localhost:8080/editor/documents/null">
The CWRC-Writer menus and layout can be customized.
Please contact us, or open an issue.