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SacreEOS is a signature generator and implementation helper for the Self Critical Sequence Training


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SacreEOS [ ICIAP2023 ] [ Arxiv ] is a signature generator and implementation helper for the Self Critical Sequence Training [ Arxiv ].


SacreEOS main goal consists of spreading awareness about easy-to-overlook aspects of the Self-Critical Squence Training (SCST), in particular over the End-of-Sequence (EOS) token. Currently most Image Captioning projects follow two different approaches, we call for simplicity, Standard and No<Eos>. The two versions differ in few subtle implementation details that significantly impact the outputs and performances, ultimately posing an obstacle to the evaluation and comparison of models.

The generation of shareable signatures serves the purpose of spreading awareness about the issue, incrase transparency over previous works and guiding future works into an informed implementation. To this end, the package provides also useful classes in the hope of saving time and preventing headaches to those implementing SCST for the first time.


Main feature
  • SacreEOS signature generation. The package provides an easy interface for the generation of signatures that inform regarding the key aspects of the SCST implementation. This can be done either manually or automatically using the implementation helper.

Optional features

The adoption of SacreEOS as an implementation helper is completely optional. Established projects are only invited to manually generate the SacreEOS signature.

  • Mode and metric selection. The user can customize the target SCST configuration according to its needs. The package currently supports 2 SCST modes, 4 metrics and 2 bases.

  • Implementation helper. Through a collection of exceptions and input conditions the user is guided toward an informed selection of SCST implementation.

  • Efficiency. For each metric, originally proposed in Python, an additional and optional C implementation is provided. It can be toggled by setting one of the loss computation arguments. In case of platform incompatibilities, the portability is still preserved thanks to the Python implementation.



  • torch, numpy, typing.
  • Python >= 3.7

You can install the package using pip:

python -m pip install sacreeos

or clone the repository:

git clone


Signature generation


The SacreEOS signature can be generated in two ways. In case you installed the package using pip simply write:

$ python3.7 -m sacreeos

otherwise in case you cloned the repository:

$ cd sacreeos
$ python sacreeos

It will ask few information regarding the SCST implementation. A default answer is provided in most cases based on the most popular configurations.

Examples of the two most common signatures:


The signature is automatically generated in case the package is adopted as implementation helper. Once the Scst class is constructed, the signature can be generated using the method get_signature(). We refer to the sections below.

Implementation helper

SacreEOS provide the Scst class which computes the SCST loss over the inputs using the selected metrics and performs a series of assersions and input checks based on the selected class.

Scst Constructor:

class: Scst(scst_class, metric_class, base_class, eos_token, corpus_refss=None,
            verbose=True, metric_args=None, base_args=None):

    <> scst_class: scst mode class
              - Choices: Scst.SCST_CONFIG_STANDARD, Scst.SCST_CONFIG_NO_EOS                

    <> metric_class: metric class to be selected 
              - Choices: Scst.METRIC_BLEU: requires, Scst.METRIC_CIDER, Scst.METRIC_CIDER_D, Scst.METRIC_CIDER_R.
    <> base_class: base reward type 
              - Choices: Scst.BASE_AVERAGE, Scst.BASE_GREEDY.
    <> eos_token: str : end of sequence token
    <> corpus_refss: list of list of sentences. 
                     The document frequencies calculation won't be affected by how sentences 
                     are placed inside the list of list, in fact, the format is required only
                     for sake of consistency with the one required by the loss computation

    <> verbose: bool
    Further Customizations: 
        leave these arguments to None to keep the standard configurations.

    <> metric_args: dictionary with metric arg name as key and custom arg values as value
            - Scst.METRIC_BLEU: requires no args
            - Scst.METRIC_CIDER:  {'n': int}                # max number of ngram   
            - Scst.METRIC_CIDER_D : {'n': int,  
                                     'sigma': float}        # gaussial length penalty deviance
            - Scst.METRIC_CIDER_R: {'n': int,               
                                    'repeat_coeff': float,  # length and repeatition penalty weights, the two must sum to 1
                                    'length_coeff': float,  
                                    'alpha': float}         # gaussian length penalty deviance

    <> base_args: dictionary with base arg name as key and custom arg values as value
            - {'nspi': int}  # number of samples per input/image.

Scst loss computation method:

method compute_scst_loss(sampled_preds: List[List[str]], sampled_logprobs: torch.tensor,
                         refss: List[List[str]], base_preds=None, eos_pos_upthresh=None,
                         reduction='mean', get_stat_data=False):

    <> sampled_preds: List[List[str]] of shape (batch_size, nspi): is the list of predicted sequences.    

    <> sampled_logprobs: tensor of shape (batch size, nspi, seq_len): refers to the log-probabilities of the predicted sequences.           
            -  The function does not perform padding on `sampled_logprobs`. The value of padding elements must be zero.
             Because of the popular practice of sub-word tokenization (such as BPE), this method cannot perform padding
             safely by itself by aligning the elements in `sampled_logprobs` and `sampled_preds`.

    <> base_preds: None or List[List[str]] of shape (batch_size, nspi): if not None, it contains the base sequences.

    <> refss: List[List[str]] of shape (batch_size, int): is the list of references list.
            - refss[i] are expected to be the references of sampled_preds[i]
            - * can be any number 
    <> eos_pos_upthresh (end of sequence position upper threshold) defines the length up until which the
     method will ensure the `eos_token` termination. Since SCST is a learning process, in some cases,
     especially in the early iterations, sampled sequences may not end with the `eos_token` because they
     reached the maximum sequence length defined by the model. In case of `None`, is set to the last dimension of `sampled_logprobs` argument.

    <> It should preferably be set to the model's max_len if no sub-word techniques are applied, but
       None (hence the `sampled_logprobs` last dimension) should ensure a wide enough error catching web.

    <> reduction: str: reduction method (None, 'sum', 'mean').
    <> get_stat_data: bool: if true, return not only the loss, but also reward and base reward
      (r-b) * (-sampled_logprobs.sum(dim=-1))
        <> r represents the reward of `sampled_preds`
        <> b is the reward calculated on base sentences.

For automatic signature generation, call get_signature() on the class instance.

An example of usage can be found in the demo.


The demo sub-package provide an usage example of SacreEOS helper functionality.
It implements a small image captioning system to be trained with SCST.

The demo requires a pre-trained model and data sampled from COCO. They can be found in this drive (~170MB), all contents are expected to be placed in /demo/data/.

The directories and files in /demo/ should look like this:

├── data
│   ├── demo_data.pickle            -> model pre-trained on XE and training samples
│   ├── coco_train_refss.pickle     -> COCO corpus references
│   ├──                  
│   ├──        -> additional samples for testing
│   └──
├──                -> training script
├── net
    ├──                   -> model sub-layers
    ├──                    -> model definition and sampling procedures
    └──                    -> naive utility functions

The training script does not require arguments and can be launched as follows:


This is the expected result, although it may be different because of stochastic factors and small dataset sample:

Standard Scst training started...
Standard Scst signature: STANDARD_wInit+Cider-D[n4,s6.0]+average[nspi5]+1.0.0
Training epoch 49: 100%|████████████████████████| 50/50 [45:20<00:00, 54.42s/it]
No artifacts.
Note: because of the poor train set, the standard case may present few artifacts as well
NoEos Scst training started...
NoEos scst signature: NO<EOS>_wInit+Cider-D[n4,s6.0]+average[nspi5]+1.0.0
Training epoch 49: 100%|████████████████████████| 50/50 [42:36<00:00, 51.12s/it]
There are 531 artifacts.


This project is based on the work of Rennie et al., 2017 and inspired by SacreBLEU (Matt Post, 2018).


author="Hu, Jia Cheng
and Cavicchioli, Roberto
and Capotondi, Alessandro",
editor="Foresti, Gian Luca
and Fusiello, Andrea
and Hancock, Edwin",
title="A Request for Clarity over the End of Sequence Token in the Self-Critical Sequence Training",
booktitle="Image Analysis and Processing -- ICIAP 2023",
publisher="Springer Nature Switzerland",
abstract="The Image Captioning research field is currently compromised by the lack of transparency and awareness over the End-of-Sequence token (<Eos>) in the Self-Critical Sequence Training. If the <Eos> token is omitted, a model can boost its performance up to +4.1 CIDEr-D using trivial sentence fragments. While this phenomenon poses an obstacle to a fair evaluation and comparison of established works, people involved in new projects are given the arduous choice between lower scores and unsatisfactory descriptions due to the competitive nature of the research. This work proposes to solve the problem by spreading awareness of the issue itself. In particular, we invite future works to share a simple and informative signature with the help of a library called SacreEOS. Code available at:",