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jcmoraisjr committed Jul 8, 2021
1 parent 64d7c48 commit fb65b45
Showing 1 changed file with 95 additions and 77 deletions.
172 changes: 95 additions & 77 deletions pkg/common/ingress/controller/launch.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -34,19 +34,22 @@ func NewIngressController(backend ingress.Controller) *GenericController {
var (
flags = pflag.NewFlagSet("", pflag.ExitOnError)

apiserverHost = flags.String("apiserver-host", "", "The address of the Kubernetes Apiserver "+
"to connect to in the format of protocol://address:port, e.g., "+
"http://localhost:8080. If not specified, the assumption is that the binary runs inside a "+
"Kubernetes cluster and local discovery is attempted.")
apiserverHost = flags.String("apiserver-host", "",
`The address of the Kubernetes API server to connect to, in the format of
protocol://address:port, e.g., http://localhost:8080. If not specified, the
assumption is that the binary runs inside a Kubernetes cluster and local
discovery is attempted.`)

kubeConfigFile = flags.String("kubeconfig", "", "Path to kubeconfig file with authorization and master location information.")
kubeConfigFile = flags.String("kubeconfig", "",
`Path to kubeconfig file with authorization and master location information.`)

disableAPIWarnings = flags.Bool("disable-api-warnings", false, "Declare to disable warnings from the API server.")
disableAPIWarnings = flags.Bool("disable-api-warnings", false,
`Disable warnings from the API server.`)

defaultSvc = flags.String("default-backend-service", "",
`Service used to serve a 404 page for the default backend. Takes the form
namespace/name. The controller uses the first node port of this Service for
the default backend.`)
namespace/name. The controller uses the first node port of this Service for the
default backend.`)

ingressClass = flags.String("ingress-class", "haproxy",
`Name of the IngressClass to route through this controller.`)
Expand All @@ -55,8 +58,9 @@ func NewIngressController(backend ingress.Controller) *GenericController {
`Name of the reload strategy. Options are: native or reusesocket`)

maxOldConfigFiles = flags.Int("max-old-config-files", 0,
`Maximum old haproxy timestamped config files to allow before being cleaned up.
A value <= 0 indicates a single non-timestamped config file will be used`)
`Maximum number of old HAProxy timestamped config files to retain. Older files
are cleaned up. A value <= 0 indicates only a single non-timestamped config
file will be retained.`)

validateConfig = flags.Bool("validate-config", false,
`Define if the resulting configuration files should be validated when a dynamic
Expand All @@ -66,26 +70,30 @@ Ingress will log the error and set the metric 'haproxyingress_update_success'
as failed (zero)`)

controllerClass = flags.String("controller-class", "",
`Defines an alternative controller name this controller should listen to. If empty, this controller will listen to
ingress resources whose controller's IngressClass is ''. Non empty values add a new /path,
eg controller-class=staging will make this controller look for ''`)
`Defines an alternative controller name this controller should listen to. If
empty, this controller will listen to ingress resources whose controller's
IngressClass is ''. Non-empty values add a
new /path, e.g., controller-class=staging will make this controller look for

watchIngressWithoutClass = flags.Bool("watch-ingress-without-class", false,
`Defines if this controller should also listen to ingress resources that doesn't declare neither the annotation nor the <ingress>.spec.ingressClassName field. Defaults to false`)
`Defines if this controller should also listen to ingress resources that don't
declare neither the annotation nor the
<ingress>.spec.ingressClassName field. Defaults to false`)

watchGateway = flags.Bool("watch-gateway", false, `Watch and parse resources from the Gateway API`)
watchGateway = flags.Bool("watch-gateway", false,
`Watch and parse resources from the Gateway API`)

masterSocket = flags.String("master-socket", "",
`Defines the master CLI unix socket of an external HAProxy running in master-worker mode.
Defaults to use the embedded HAProxy if not declared.`)
`Defines the master CLI unix socket of an external HAProxy running in
master-worker mode. Defaults to use the embedded HAProxy if not declared.`)

configMap = flags.String("configmap", "",
`Name of the ConfigMap that contains the custom configuration to use`)

acmeServer = flags.Bool("acme-server", false,
`Enables acme server. This server is used to receive and answer challenges from
Lets Encrypt or other acme implementations.`)
`Enables ACME server. This server is used to receive and answer challenges from
Let's Encrypt or other ACME implementations.`)

acmeCheckPeriod = flags.Duration("acme-check-period", 24*time.Hour,
`Time between checks of invalid or expiring certificates`)
Expand All @@ -94,117 +102,126 @@ as failed (zero)`)
`Prefix of the election ID used to choose the acme leader`)

acmeFailInitialDuration = flags.Duration("acme-fail-initial-duration", 5*time.Minute,
`The initial time to wait to retry sign a new certificate after a failure.
The time between retries will grow exponentially until 'acme-fail-max-duration'`)
`The initial time to wait to retry sign a new certificate after a failure. The
time between retries will grow exponentially until 'acme-fail-max-duration'`)

acmeFailMaxDuration = flags.Duration("acme-fail-max-duration", 8*time.Hour,
`The maximum time to wait after failing to sign a new certificate`)

acmeSecretKeyName = flags.String("acme-secret-key-name", "acme-private-key",
`Name and an optional namespace of the secret which will store the acme account
private key. If a namespace is not provided, the secret will be created in the same
namespace of the controller pod`)
private key. If a namespace is not provided, the secret will be created in the
same namespace of the controller pod`)

acmeTokenConfigmapName = flags.String("acme-token-configmap-name", "acme-validation-tokens",
`Name and an optional namespace of the configmap which will store acme tokens
used to answer the acme challenges. If a namespace is not provided, the secret will be created
in the same namespace of the controller pod`)
used to answer the acme challenges. If a namespace is not provided, the secret
will be created in the same namespace of the controller pod`)

acmeTrackTLSAnn = flags.Bool("acme-track-tls-annotation", false,
`Enable tracking of ingress objects annotated with ''`)

bucketsResponseTime = flags.Float64Slice("buckets-response-time",
[]float64{.0005, .001, .002, .005, .01},
`Configures the buckets of the histogram used to compute the response time of the haproxy's admin socket.
The response time unit is in seconds.`)
bucketsResponseTime = flags.Float64Slice("buckets-response-time", []float64{.0005, .001, .002, .005, .01},
`Configures the buckets of the histogram used to compute the response time of
the haproxy's admin socket. The response time unit is in seconds.`)

publishSvc = flags.String("publish-service", "",
`Service fronting the ingress controllers. Takes the form
namespace/name. The controller will set the endpoint records on the
ingress objects to reflect those on the service.`)
`Service fronting the ingress controllers. Takes the form namespace/name. The
controller will set the endpoint records on the ingress objects to reflect
those on the service.`)

tcpConfigMapName = flags.String("tcp-services-configmap", "",
`Name of the ConfigMap that contains the definition of the TCP services to expose.
The key in the map indicates the external port to be used. The value is the name of the
service with the format namespace/serviceName and the port of the service could be a
number of the name of the port.
The ports 80 and 443 are not allowed as external ports. This ports are reserved for the backend`)
`Name of the ConfigMap that contains the definition of the TCP services to
expose. The key in the map indicates the external port to be used. The value is
the name of the service with the format namespace/serviceName and the port of
the service could be a number of the name of the port. The ports 80 and 443 are
not allowed as external ports. This ports are reserved for the backend`)

annPrefix = flags.String("annotations-prefix", ",",
`Defines a comma-separated list of annotation prefix for ingress and service`)

rateLimitUpdate = flags.Float32("rate-limit-update", 0.5,
`Maximum of updates per second this controller should perform.
Default is 0.5, which means wait 2 seconds between Ingress updates in order
to add more changes in a single reload`)
`Maximum of updates per second this controller should perform. Default is 0.5,
which means wait 2 seconds between Ingress updates in order to add more changes
in a single reload`)

waitBeforeUpdate = flags.Duration("wait-before-update", 200*time.Millisecond,
`Amount of time to wait before start a reconciliation and update haproxy,
giving the time to receive all/most of the changes of a batch update.`)
`Amount of time to wait before start a reconciliation and update haproxy, giving
the time to receive all/most of the changes of a batch update.`)

resyncPeriod = flags.Duration("sync-period", 600*time.Second,
`Relist and confirm cloud resources this often. Default is 10 minutes`)
`Configures the default resync period of Kubernetes' informer factory.`)

watchNamespace = flags.String("watch-namespace", apiv1.NamespaceAll,
`Namespace to watch for Ingress. Default is to watch all namespaces`)

healthzPort = flags.Int("healthz-port", 10254, "port for healthz endpoint.")
healthzPort = flags.Int("healthz-port", 10254,
`port for healthz endpoint.`)

statsCollectProcPeriod = flags.Duration("stats-collect-processing-period", 500*time.Millisecond,
`Defines the interval between two consecutive readings of haproxy's Idle_pct. haproxy
updates Idle_pct every 500ms, which makes that the best configuration value.
Change to 0 (zero) to disable this metric.`)
`Defines the interval between two consecutive readings of haproxy's Idle_pct.
haproxy updates Idle_pct every 500ms, which makes that the best configuration
value. Change to 0 (zero) to disable this metric.`)

profiling = flags.Bool("profiling", true, `Enable profiling via web interface host:port/debug/pprof/`)
profiling = flags.Bool("profiling", true,
`Enable profiling via web interface host:port/debug/pprof/`)

defSSLCertificate = flags.String("default-ssl-certificate", "", `Name of the secret
that contains a SSL certificate to be used as default for a HTTPS catch-all server`)
defSSLCertificate = flags.String("default-ssl-certificate", "",
`Name of the secret that contains a SSL certificate to be used as
default for a HTTPS catch-all server`)

verifyHostname = flags.Bool("verify-hostname", true,
`Defines if the controller should verify if the provided certificate is valid, ie, it's
SAN extension has the hostname. Default is true`)
`Defines if the controller should verify if the provided certificate is valid,
ie, it's SAN extension has the hostname.`)

defHealthzURL = flags.String("health-check-path", "/healthz", `Defines
the URL to be used as health check inside in the default server.`)
defHealthzURL = flags.String("health-check-path", "/healthz",
`Defines the URL to be used as health check inside in the default server.`)

updateStatus = flags.Bool("update-status", true, `Indicates if the
ingress controller should update the Ingress status IP/hostname. Default is true`)
updateStatus = flags.Bool("update-status", true,
`Indicates if the controller should update the 'status' attribute of all the
Ingress resources that this controller is tracking.`)

electionID = flags.String("election-id", "ingress-controller-leader", `Election id to use for status update.`)
electionID = flags.String("election-id", "ingress-controller-leader",
`Election id to be used for status update.`)

forceIsolation = flags.Bool("force-namespace-isolation", false,
`Force namespace isolation. This flag is required to avoid the reference of secrets,
configmaps or the default backend service located in a different namespace than the specified
in the flag --watch-namespace.`)
`Force namespace isolation. This flag is required to avoid the reference of
secrets, configmaps or the default backend service located in a different
namespace than the specified in the flag --watch-namespace.`)

waitBeforeShutdown = flags.Int("wait-before-shutdown", 0, `Define time controller waits until it shuts down
when SIGTERM signal was received`)
waitBeforeShutdown = flags.Int("wait-before-shutdown", 0,
`Define time controller waits until it shuts down when SIGTERM signal was

allowCrossNamespace = flags.Bool("allow-cross-namespace", false,
`Defines if the ingress controller can reference resources of another namespaces.
Cannot be used if force-namespace-isolation is true`)
`Defines if the ingress controller can reference resources of another
namespaces. Cannot be used if force-namespace-isolation is true`)

disablePodList = flags.Bool("disable-pod-list", false,
`Defines if HAProxy Ingress should disable pod watch and in memory list. Pod list is
mandatory for drain-support (should not be disabled) and optional for blue/green.`)
`Defines if HAProxy Ingress should disable pod watch and in memory list. Pod
list is mandatory for drain-support (should not be disabled) and optional for

updateStatusOnShutdown = flags.Bool("update-status-on-shutdown", true, `Indicates if the
ingress controller should update the Ingress status IP/hostname when the controller
is being stopped. Default is true`)
updateStatusOnShutdown = flags.Bool("update-status-on-shutdown", true,
`Indicates if the ingress controller should update the Ingress status
IP/hostname when the controller is being stopped.`)

backendShards = flags.Int("backend-shards", 0,
`Defines how much files should be used to configure the haproxy backends`)

sortBackends = flags.Bool("sort-backends", false,
`Defines if backend's endpoints should be sorted by name. This option has less precedence than
--sort-endpoints-by if both are declared.`)
`Defines if backend's endpoints should be sorted by name. This option has less
precedence than --sort-endpoints-by if both are declared.`)

sortEndpointsBy = flags.String("sort-endpoints-by", "",
`Defines how to sort backend's endpoints. Allowed values are: 'endpoint' - same k8s endpoint order (default);
'name' - server/endpoint name; 'ip' - server/endpoint IP and port; 'random' - shuffle endpoints on every haproxy reload`)
`Defines how to sort backend's endpoints. Allowed values are: 'endpoint' - same
k8s endpoint order (default); 'name' - server/endpoint name;
'ip' - server/endpoint IP and port; 'random' - shuffle endpoints on every
haproxy reload`)

useNodeInternalIP = flags.Bool("report-node-internal-ip-address", false,
`Defines if the nodes IP address to be returned in the ingress status should be the internal instead of the external IP address`)
`Defines if the nodes IP address to be returned in the ingress status should be
the internal instead of the external IP address`)

showVersion = flags.Bool("version", false,
`Shows release information about the Ingress controller`)
Expand All @@ -214,8 +231,9 @@ as failed (zero)`)
Actually node listing isn't needed and it is always disabled`)

ignoreIngressWithoutClass = flags.Bool("ignore-ingress-without-class", false,
`DEPRECATED, this option is ignored. Use --watch-ingress-without-class command-line option instead to define
if ingress without class should be tracked.`)
`DEPRECATED, this option is ignored. Use --watch-ingress-without-class
command-line option instead to define if ingress without class should be

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