AVR Temperature Monitor (Project for Sistemi Operativi)
avrtmon is a portable temperature monitor, which registers the external temperature at a constant rate, and save each registration in a non-volatile memory storage device. From a hardware prespective, it makes use of:
- An AVR board (AT2560) as the central controller
- A temperature sensor (LM35)
- 3 hardware buttons to control the registering flow (i.e. start/stop) and to power on/off the board
- 3 LEDs
The end user shall use a sort of power supply (e.g. batteries) in order to make the temperature monitor a meaningful, effectively usable object.
The AVR board is able, once connected to the PC via serial port, to:
- Send to the PC operating system all the performed temperature registrations
- Receive commands (e.g. set a different registration rate, download data etc..)
The GNU Make build system is used, and the codebase is in common for both host-side and AVR-side. Below, a list of make recipes is given:
# Compile and link both the host-side and the (.elf) AVR-side executables
# Compile and link the host-side executable
make host
# Compile and link the avr-side .elf executable
make avr
# Install the -ALREADY COMPILED- host-side executable
make install
# 'make avr' and then flash the HEX firmware into the AVR microcontroller
make flash
# Generate (requires pandoc) man page
make docs
# Install man page (pregenerated in the repo)
make install-docs
# Generate the configuration-related source files from resources/config/default.csv
make config-gen
The codebase is shipped with a test suite (based on an own-developed test framework). Standard tests are performed with AVR-side parameters and executed at host-side. In fact, some tests are host/AVR-specific; AVR-specific tests consist in little programs that must be flashed into the AVR board. Below, a list of make recipes to perform tests is given:
# Perform the entire standard tests suite:
make test
# Perform a single standard test unit
make test-<unit>
# Perform a single host-specific test unit
make host-test-<unit>
# Perform a single AVR-specific test unit
make avr-test-<unit>
From now to the end of this document, we use the following terminology:
- tmon is the AVR board (i.e. the temperature monitor itself)
- NVM is the Non-Volatile Memory of the tmon, likely the internal EEPROM. We refer to it in abstract terms as we could use another device (e.g. an SD card)
- host-side refers to all the stuff which happens PC
- AVR-side refers to all the stuff which happens in the AVR board
The communication protocol between the tmon and the PC is interrupt-based (from the tmon prespective) and packet-switched. Packet can vary in dimension, which nevertheless can never exceed the size of 31 bytes (2 bytes of header + 28 bytes of data + 1 byte CRC-8), and the size must be specified in the packet header; this is done to minimize the rate of some common serial-related errors (e.g. data overrun)
The size of the packet header is always 2 bytes (16 bits), and its structure is the following:
Field | Size (bits) | Description |
type | 4 | Type of the packet (see below) |
id | 4 | Packet ID |
size | 7 | Size of the packet, in bytes. Notice that 7 bits are redundant |
header_par | 1 | (Even) Parity bit of the header |
The type of the packet can be one of the following:
Type | Numeric Code | Description |
HND | 0x00 | Handshake |
ACK | 0x01 | Acknowledgement |
ERR | 0x02 | Communication error (e.g. CRC mismatch) |
CMD | 0x03 | Command (sent from the PC to the tmon) |
CTR | 0x04 | Control sequence (e.g. for commands) |
DAT | 0x05 | Data (e.g. temperatures) sent from the tmon to the PC |
The redundant bits (most significant ones) of the type field are reserved for future use.
The packet ID could be not unique in an entire session; in fact, the crucial thing is to avoid collisions of (i.e. distinguish) successive packets, so this is not important at all.
A communication endpoint must wait for an acknowledgement message from the counterpart once it sent a packet in order to send a new one. Acknowledgement and error packets do not bring any data.
When a packet arrives, it is checked for integrity and sanity. If it is sane, then an ACK packet is sent; if not, then an ERR packet is sent, and the previously sent packet must be resent; ACK and ERR packets are simply discarded if corrupted in some way.
The tmon configuration is stored at the beginning of its NVM, without any offset, as a raw data structure. The default configuration is shipped with the program image, and flashed to the NVM with it.
In practice, configuration is a CSV file (without any header) organized in this fashion:
The tmon supports the execution of remote, arbitrary commands sent from the PC via CMD packets. Those commands are the following:
Command | Description |
CONFIG_GET_FIELD | Get a configuration field (value is transported in a DAT packet) |
CONFIG_SET_FIELD | Set a configuration field to an arbitrary value |
TMON_START | Start registering temperatures |
TMON_STOP | Stop registering temperatures |
TMON_SET_RESOLUTION value | Set the timer resolution for the next DB until the tmon is reset |
TMON_SET_INTERVAL value | Set the timer interval for the next DB until the tmon is reset |
TEMPERATURES_DOWNLOAD | Download the temperatures DB |
TEMPERATURES_RESET | Reset the temperatures DB |
ECHO | Echo a message back to the PC (developed mostly for debug purposes) |