Hadoop MapReduce is awesome, but it seems a little bit crazy when you have to write this to count words. Wouldn't it be nicer if you could simply write what you want to do:
val lines = fromTextFile("hdfs://in/...")
val counts = lines.flatMap(_.split(" "))
.map(word => (word, 1))
persist(toTextFile(counts, "hdfs://out/..."))
This is what Scoobi is all about. Scoobi is a Scala library that focuses on making you more productive at building Hadoop applications. It stands on the functional programming shoulders of Scala and allows you to just write what you want rather than how to do it.
Scoobi is a library that leverages the Scala programming language to provide a programmer friendly abstraction around Hadoop's MapReduce to facilitate rapid development of analytics and machine-learning algorithms.
Scoobi has the following requirements:
- Cloudera's Hadoop 0.20.2
- Scala 2.9.1: Note that this is typically set in build.sbt
- Sbt 0.11.0
Scala and Hadoop are obvious prerequisites. In addition, the Scoobi library and Scoobi applications use sbt (version 0.11 or later) for dependency management and building.
NOTE: You will probably have to edit the sbt
launcher script (located in ~/bin/sbt
or wherever sbt
has been installed) to increase the maximum heap size, or you will
get out-of-memory errors. Try changing the existing -Xmx
option to -Xmx2048M
(or adding this option if it's not already present). If this still leads to errors,
should be enough.
To build Scoobi:
$ cd scoobi
$ sbt publish-local
Then build and package one of the examples:
$ cd examples/wordCount
$ sbt package-hadoop
Finally, run on Hadoop:
$ hadoop jar ./target/Scoobi_Word_Count-hadoop-0.1.jar <input> <output>
Scoobi is centered around the idea of a distributed collection, which is implemented by the
(distributed list)
class. In a lot of ways, DList
objects are similar to normal
Scala List
they are parameterized by a type and they provide methods that can be used to produce
new DList
objects, often parameterized by higher-order functions. For example:
// Converting a List[Int] to a List[String] keeping only evens
val stringList = intList filter { _ % 2 == 0 } map { _.toString }
// Converting a DList[Int] to a DList[String] keeping only evens
val stringDList = intDList filter { _ % 2 == 0 } map { _.toString }
However, unlike a Scala List
object, the contents of DList
objects are not stored on
the JVM heap but stored in HDFS. Secondly, calling DList
methods will not immediately result in
data being generated in HDFS. This is because, behind the scenes, Scoobi implements a
staging compiler. The purpose of DList
methods are to construct a graph of data
transformations. Then, the act of persisting a DList
triggers the compilation of the graph
into one or more MapReduce jobs and their execution.
So, DList
objects essentially provide two abstractions:
- The contents of a
object abstracts the storage of data and files in HDFS; - Calling methods on
objects to transform and manipulate them abstracts the mapper, combiner, reducer and sort-and-shuffle phases of MapReduce.
So, what are some of the advantages of using Scoobi?
- The collections abstraction implemented by
is a familiar one: The methods for theDList
class have been designed to be the same or as similar to those implemented in the standard Scala collections. There aren't as many methods, but if you grok the semantics of Scala collections, you shouldn't have too much trouble getting up to speed with Scoobi; - The
class is strongly typed: Like the Scala collections, theDList
interface is strongly typed so that more errors are caught at compile time. This is a major improvement over standard Hadoop MapReduce where type-based run-time errors often occur; - The
class can be easily parameterized on rich data types: Unlike Hadoop MapReduce, which requires that you go off implementing a myriad of classes that implement theWritable
interface, Scoobi allowsDList
objects to be parameterized by normal Scala types. This includes the primitive types (e.g.Int
), tuple types (with arbitrary nesting, e.g.(String, (Int, Char), Double)
) as well as case classes. This is all implemented without sacrificing performance in serialization and deserialization; - Scoobi applications are optimized across library boundaries: Over time it makes sense to partition Scoobi code into separate logical entities - into separate classes and libraries. The advantage of Scoobi is that its staging compiler works across library boundaries. Therefore you'll get the same Hadoop performance as if you had everything in the one file but with the productivity gains of having modular software;
- It's Scala: Of course, with Scala you don't lose access to those precious Java libraries, but you also get functional programming and concise syntax which makes writing Hadoop applications with Scoobi very productive ... and fun!
Let's take a step-by-step look at the simple word count example from above. The complete application for word count looks like this:
import com.nicta.scoobi.Scoobi._
object WordCount extends ScoobiApp {
val lines: DList[String] = fromTextFile(args(0))
val counts: DList[(String, Int)] = lines.flatMap(_.split(" "))
.map(word => (word, 1))
persist(toTextFile(counts, args(1)))
Our word count example is implemented by the object WordCount
, wich extends a ScoobiApp
. This
is a convience in Scoobi to avoid having to write a main
function, as well as automatically
handling arguments intended for hadoop. The remaining arguments are available as args
Within the implementation guts, the first task is to construct a DList
representing the data
located at the input directory. In this situation, because the input data are simple text files,
we can use the fromTextFile
method that takes our input directory as an argument and returns
a DList[String]
object. Here our DList
object is a distributed collection where each
collection element is a line from the input data and is assigned to lines
The second task is to compute a DList
of word counts given all the lines of text from our
input data. This is implemented in four steps:
is performed onlines
. LikeList
, a parameterizing function is supplied which will take as its input a given line (aString
) and will return 0 or moreString
s as its result. In this case, that function is the methodsplit
which will split the input string (a line) into a collection of words based on the occurrence of whitespace. The result of theflatMap
then is anotherDList[String]
representing a distributed collection of words. -
is performed on the distributed collection of words. LikeList
, a parameterizing function is supplied which takes as its input a given word (aString
) and will return another value. In this case the supplied function takes the input word and returns a pair: the word and the value 1. The resulting object is a new distributed collection of typeDList[(String, Int)]
. -
is performed on the(String, Int)
distributed collection.groupByKey
has no direct counterpart inList
(although there is agroupBy
defined onDList
must be called on a key-valueDList
object else the program will not type check. The effect ofgroupByKey
is to collect all distributed collection values with the same key. In this case theDList
object is of type(String, Int)
so a newDList
object will be returned of type(String, Iterable[Int])
. That is, the counts for the same words will be grouped together. -
To get the total count for each word, a
is performed.combine
also has no counterpart inList
but its semantics are to take aDList[(K, Iterable[V])]
and return aDList[(K, V)]
by reducing all the values. It is parameterized by a function of type(V, V) => V
that must be associative. In our case we are simply performing addition to sum all the counts.
The final task is to take the counts
object, which represents counts for each word, and persist it.
In this case we will simply persist it as a text file, whose path is specified by the second command line
argument, using toTextFile
. Note that toTextFile
is used within persist
. Although not demonstrated
in this example, persist
takes a variable number of arguments, each of which specifies what DList
being persisted and how.
Until persist
is called, our application will only be running on the local client. The act of calling
, along with the DList
(s) to be persisted, will trigger Scoobi's staging compiler to take the
sequence of DList
transformations and turn them into one or more Hadoop MapReduce jobs. In this
example Scoobi will generate a single MapReduce job that would be executed:
- The functionality associated with the
will become part of a mapper tasks; - The transformation associated with
will be occur as a consequence of the sort-and-shuffle phase; - The functionality of the
will become part of both a combiner and reducer task.
The word count example is one of a number of examples included with Scoobi. The top level directory examples contains a number of self-contained tutorial-like examples, as well as a guide to building and deploying them. This is an additional starting point for learning and using scoobi.
objects are merely nodes in a graph describing a series of data computation we want to
perform. However, at some point we need to specify what the inputs and outputs to that computation
are. We have already seen this in the previous example with fromTextFile(...)
. The former is an example of loading data and the latter is an example
of persisting data.
Most of the time when we create DList
objects, it is the result of calling a method on another
object (e.g. map
). Loading, on the other hand, is the only way to create a DList
object that is not based on any others. It is the means by which we associate a DList
object with
some data files on HDFS. Scoobi provides functions to create DList
objects associated with
text files on HDFS, which are implemented in the object
The simplest, which we have seen already, is fromTextFile
. It takes a path (globs are supported) to
text files on HDFS (or whichever file system Hadoop has been configured for) and returns a
object, where each element of the distributed collection refers to one of the lines of
text from the files.
Often we are interested in loading delimited text files, for example, comma separated value (CSV) files.
In this case, we can use fromTextFile
followed by a map
to pull out fields of interest:
// load CSV with schema "id,first_name,second_name,age"
val lines: DList[String] = fromTextFile("hdfs://path/to/CVS/files/*")
// pull out id and second_name
val names: DList[(Int, String)] = lines map { line =>
val fields = line.split(",")
(fields(0).toInt, fields(2))
This works fine, but because it's such a common task, TextInput
also provides the function
specifically for these types of field extractions:
// load CSV and pull out id and second_name
val names: DList[(Int, String)] = fromDelimitedTextFile("hdfs://path/to/CVS/files/*", ",") {
case id :: first_name :: second_name :: age :: _ => (id.toInt, second_name)
When using fromDelimitedTextFile
, the first
argument specifies the delimiter and the second is the path. However, there is also
a second parameter list which is used to specify what to do with fields once they are separated out.
This is specified by supplying a partial function that takes a list of separated String
fields as its input
and returns a value whose type will set the type of the resulting DList
- i.e. a PartialFunction[List[String], A]
will create a DList[A]
(where A
is (Int, String)
above). In this example, we use Scala's
pattern matching feature to pull out the four fields
and return the first and third.
One of the advantages of this approach is that we have at our disposal all of the Scala
pattern matching features, and because we are providing a partial function, any fields
that don't match against the supplied pattern will not be present in the returned DList
This allows us implement simple filtering inline with the extraction:
// load CSV and pull out id and second_name if first_name is "Harry"
val names: DList[(Int, String)] = fromDelimitedTextFile("hdfs://path/to/CSV/files/*", ",") {
case id :: "Harry" :: second_name :: age :: _ => (id.toInt, second_name)
We can of course supply multiple patterns:
// load CSV and pull out id and second_name if first_name is "Harry" or "Lucy"
val names: DList[(Int, String)] = fromDelimitedTextFile("hdfs://path/to/CSV/files/*", ",") {
case id :: "Harry" :: second_name :: age :: _ => (id.toInt, second_name)
case id :: "Lucy" :: second_name :: age :: _ => (id.toInt, second_name)
And, a more interesting example is when the value of one field influences the semantics of another. For example:
val thisYear: Int = ...
// load CSV with schema "event,year,year_designation" and pull out event and how many years ago it occurred
val yearsAgo: DList[(String, Int)] = fromDelimitedTextFile("hdfs://path/to/CSV/files/*", ",") {
case event :: year :: "BC" :: _ => (event, thisYear + year.toInt - 1) // No 0 AD
case event :: year :: "AD" :: _ => (event, thisYear - year.toInt)
These are nice features. However, one of the problems with these examples is their conversion of
a String
fields into an Int
. If the field is not supplied (e.g. empty string) or the files
are simply erroneous, a run-time exception will occur when toInt
is called. This exception will be
caught by Hadoop and likely cause the MapReduce job to fail. As a solution to this problem, TextInput
provides Scala extractors for Int
s, Long
s and Double
Using the Int
extractor we can rewrite one of the above examples:
// load CSV and pull out id and second_name
val names: DList[(Int, String)] = fromDelimitedTextFile("hdfs://path/to/CSV/files/*", ",") {
case Int(id) :: first_name :: second_name :: Int(age) :: _ => (id, second_name)
Here, the pattern will only match if the id
(and age
) field(s) can be converted successfully from a
to an Int
. If not, the pattern will not match and that line will not be extracted into the
resulting DList
Persisting is the mechanism Scoobi uses for specifying that the result of executing the computational graph
associated with a DList
object is to be associated with a particular data file on HDFS. There are
two parts to persisting:
- Calling
, which bundles allDList
objects being persisted; - Specifying how each
object is to be persisted.
Scoobi currently only provides one mechanism for specifying how a DList
is to be persisted. It is
and is implemented in the object
As we have seen previously, toTextFile
takes two arguments: the DList
object being persisted and
the directory path to write the resulting data:
val rankings: DList[(String, Int)] = ...
persist(toTextFile(rankings, "hdfs://path/to/output"))
can of course bundle together more than one DList
. For example:
val rankings: DList[(String, Int)] = ...
val rankings_reverse: DList[(Int, String)] = rankings map { swap }
val rankings_example: DList[(Int, String)] = rankings_reverse.groupByKey.map{ case (ranking, items) => (ranking, items.head) }
persist(toTextFile(rankings, "hdfs://path/to/output"),
toTextFile(rankings_reverse, "hdfs://path/to/output-reverse"),
toTextFile(rankings_example, "hdfs://path/to/output-example"))
As mentioned previously, persist
is the trigger for executing the computational graph associated
with its DList
objects. By bundling DList
objects together, persist
is able to determine computations
that are shared by those outputs and ensure that they are only performed once.
We've seen in many of the examples that it's possible for DList
objects to be parameterized
by normal Scala primitive (value) types. Not surprisingly, Scoobi supports DList
that are parameterized by any of the Scala primitive types:
val x: DList[Byte] = ...
val x: DList[Char] = ...
val x: DList[Int] = ...
val x: DList[Long] = ...
val x: DList[Double] = ...
And as we've also see, although not a primitive, Scoobi supports DList
s of String
val x: DList[String] = ...
Some of the examples also use DList
objects that are parameterized by a pair (Scala
In fact, Scoobi supports DList
objects that are parameterized by Scala tuples up to arity 8, and in addition,
supports arbitrary nesting:
val x: DList[(Int, String)] = ...
val x: DList[(String, Long)] = ...
val x: DList[(Int, String, Long)] = ...
val x: DList[(Int, (String, String), Int, (Long, Long, Long))] = ...
val x: DList[(Int, (String, (Long, Long)), Char)] = ...
Finally, Scoobi also supports DList
objects that are parameterized by the Scala
and Either
types, which can also be combined with any of the Tuple
and primitive types:
val x: Option[Int] = ...
val x: Option[String] = ...
val x: Option[(Long, String)] = ...
val x: Either[Int, String] = ...
val x: Either[String, (Long, Long)] = ...
val x: Either[Long, Either[String, Int]] = ...
val x: Either[Int, Option[Long]] = ...
Notice that in all these cases, the DList
object is parameterized by a standard Scala type
and not some wrapper type. This is really convenient. It means, for example, that the use of
a higher-order function like map
can directly call any of the methods associated with those types.
In contrast, programming MapReduce jobs directly using Hadoop's API requires that all types implement the
interface, resulting in the use of wrapper types such as IntWritable
rather than just int
Of course the reason for this is that Writable
specifies methods for serialization and
deserialization of data within the Hadoop framework. However, given that DList
objects eventually
result in code that is executed by the Hadoop framework, how is serialization and deserialization
Scoobi requires that the type parameterizing a DList
object has an implementation of the
type class
(Scala context bound).
Thus, the DList
class is actually specified as:
class DList[A : WireFormat] { ... }
If the compiler cannot find a WireFormat
implementation for the type parameterizing a specific
object, that code will not compile. Implementations of WireFormat
specify serialization
and deserialization in their toWire
and fromWire
methods, which end up finding their way into
's write
and readFields
To make life easy, the
includes WireFormat
implementations for the types listed above (that is why they work out of the
box). However, the real advantage of using
type classes is they allow you to extend the set of types that can be used with DList
objects and
that set can include types that already exist, maybe even in some other compilation unit. So long as
a type has a WireFormat
implementation, it can parameterize a DList
. This is extremely
useful because while, say, you can represent a lot with nested tuples, much can be gained in terms
of type safety, readability and maintenance by using custom types. For example,
say we were building an application to analyze stock ticker-data. In that situation it would be nice
to work with DList[Tick]
objects. We can do that if we write a WireFormat
implementation for Tick
case class Tick(val date: Int, val symbol: String, val price: Double)
implicit def TickFmt = new WireFormat[Tick] {
def toWire(tick: Tick, out: DataOutput) = {
def fromWire(in: DataInput): Tick = {
val date = in.readInt
val symbol = in.readUTF
val price = in.readDouble
Tick(date, symbol, price)
def show(tick: Tick): String = tick.toString
val ticks: DList[Tick] = ... /* OK */
Then we can actually make use of the Tick
/* Function to compute Hi and Low for a stock for a given day */
def hilo(ts: Iterable[Tick]): (Double, Double) = {
val start = ts.head.price
ts.tail.foldLeft((start, start)) { case ((high, low), tick) => (max(high, tick.price), min(low, tick.price)) }
/* Group tick data by date and symbol */
val ticks: DList[Tick] = ...
val ticksGrouped = ticks.groupBy(t => (t.symbol, t.date))
/* Compute highs and lows for each stock for each day */
val highLow = ticksGrouped map { case ((symbol, date), ticks) => (symbol, date, hilo(ticks)) }
Notice that by using the custom type Tick
it's obvious what fields we are using. If instead
the type of ticks
was DList[(Int, String, Double)]
, the code would be far less readable,
and maintenance would be more difficult if, for example, we added new fields to Tick
or modified
the order of existing fields.
Being able to have DList
objects of custom types is a huge productivity boost. However, there
is still the boiler-plate, mechanical work associated with the WireFormat
implementation. To overcome this,
the WireFormat
object also provides a utility function called mkCaseWireFormat
that automatically
constructs a WireFormat
for case classes:
case class Tick(val date: Int, val symbol: String, val price: Double)
implicit val tickFmt = mkCaseWireFormat(Tick, Tick.unapply _)
val ticks: DList[Tick] = ... /* Still OK */
takes as arguments the case class's automatically generated apply
and unapply
methods. The only requirement on case classes when using mkCaseWireFormat
is that all its fields have
implementations. If not, your DList
objects won't type check. The upside to
this is that all of the types above that do have WireFormat
implementations can be
fields in a case class when used in conjunction with mkCaseWireFormat
case class Tick(val date: Int, val symbol: String, val price: Double, val high_low: (Double, Double))
implicit val tickFmt = mkCaseWireFormat(Tick, Tick.unapply _)
val ticks: DList[Tick] = ... /* Amazingly, still OK */
Of course, this will also extend to other case classes as long as they have WireFormat
Thus, it's possible to have nested case classes that can parameterize DList
case class PriceAttr(val: price: Double, val high_low: (Double, Double))
implicit val priceAttrFmt = mkCaseWireFormat(PriceAttr, PriceAttr.unapply _)
case class Tick(val date: Int, val symbol: String, val attr: PriceAttr)
implicit val tickFmt = mkCaseWireFormat(Tick, Tick.unapply _)
val ticks: DList[Tick] = ... /* That's right, amazingly, still OK */
In summary, the way data types work in Scoobi is definitely one of its killer features, basically because they don't get in the way!
Scoobi projects are generally developed with sbt, and to simplify the task of building and packaging a project for running on Hadoop, it's really handy to use the sbt plugin sbt-scoobi. Here are a few steps for creating a new project:
Create a new Scoobi application and add some code:
$ mkdir my-app
$ cd my-app
$ mkdir -p src/main/scala
$ vi src/main/scala/MyApp.scala
To use the sbt-scoobi plugin we need to include a project/project/scoobi.scala
file with the following contents:
import sbt._
object Plugins extends Build {
lazy val root = Project("root", file(".")) dependsOn(
And, we can add a pretty standard build.sbt
that has a dependency on Scoobi:
name := "MyApp"
version := "0.1"
scalaVersion := "2.9.1"
libraryDependencies += "com.nicta" %% "scoobi" % "0.4.0-SNAPSHOT" % "provided"
scalacOptions += "-deprecation"
The provided
is added to the scoobi
dependency to let sbt know that Scoobi
is provided by the sbt-plugin when it packages everything in a jar. If you
don't included this provided
nothing bad will happen, but the jar will contain
some Scoobi dependencies that are not strictly required.
We can now use sbt to easily build and package our application into a self-contained executable jar to feed directly into Hadoop:
$ sbt package-hadoop
$ hadoop jar ./target/MyApp-app-hadoop-0.1.jar <args>
Note that there appears to be a OSX-specific issue
associated with calling hadoop
in this manner requiring the jar to be added to HADOOP_CLASSPATH
and then hadoop
being given the correct object to run. e.g.:
$ export HADOOP_CLASSPATH=$PWD/target/Scoobi_Word_Count-hadoop-0.1.jar
$ hadoop WordCount inputFile/to/wordcount nonexistent/outputdir
Scoobi is released under the Apache license v2. We welcome contributions of bug fixes and/or new features via GitHib pull requests. In addition, it is important to us to build a friendly user and developer community around Scoobi, so:
- If you happen to encounter something that looks suspiciously like a bug, be sure to log it on the GitHub issue tracker so that it can be fixed for everyone - the more information the better;
- If, on the other hand, you simply have questions about how to use Scoobi, take a look at the posts on the scoobi-users mailing list or post a question of your own;
- And, if you're keen to get your hands dirty and contribute new features to Scoobi, or are hoping to get some insight into Scoobi's internal architecture, or simply want to know what's going on in developer-land, head over to the scoobi-dev mailing list.
We will try our best to respond to all issues and questions quickly.