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Jean Dubois edited this page Jun 23, 2024 · 6 revisions


  • To define a function, use def keyword and the arrow: def <name>(param1, param2) -> <some code here>
  • You can omit the name, but in this case you have to call directly the function or to store it in a variable: (def (param1) -> <some code here>)(<arg1>) / var somefunc = def (param1) -> <some code here>
  • You can define multi-line functions:
    def <name>(param1, param2, param3)
      <some code here>
  • Note that the arguments given and the variables created inside the function are deleted at the end of the function execution.
  • Note that the variables created outside the function and before its definition are accessible inside the function, but modifications are not saved.
  • There can be 0 parameters.

Optional parameters


New in 0.22.0-beta

To define optional parameters, use this syntax:

def <name>(param1, param2, param3)(optional_param1=default_value, optional_param2=default_value)
    <some code here>

return statement

In the code executed by your function, there can be the return statement. It stops the function. If a value is placed after the statement, the function will return this value at the call. In the other cases, it will return None.


  • Call your function simply with parenthesis with arguments inside like this : func(arg1, arg2)
  • You can store arguments in a list and use *list. E.g. func(*list_), func(*[1, 2, 3]).

Optional arguments


New in 0.22.0-beta

  • You can omit optional arguments, which will set them to their default value.
  • In this case: def name(param1, param2, param3)(optional_param1=default_value, optional_param2=default_value), if you want to keep optional_param1 to its default value but not optional_param2, you can use: name(argument1, argument2, argument3, <default>, optional_argument2) (keep < and > around <default>)


def foo(a, b) -> a*b - b
def bar(a, b) -> (a-1)*b
var c = 2
var d = 5
if foo(c, d) == bar(c, d) then var e = True else var e = False

In this case e = 1 :)

def foo(a, b)
    if a == 2 then
        return a + b
        return b
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