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socialfeed extra for MODX CMS. The extra is an service to show your social Channels like Instagram or TikTok on your MODX Website without struggling with the APIs of the social media sites. Just setup your Feed on, connect your social channels and install the socialFeed extra to show all your media on your site.


  • Easy integration without any API-knowledge
  • Multi channels: Add as many channels to your website as you want
  • Multi Feed-Setup to manage all your clients websites
  • Customer friendly: Just send a link to your client to let him easily connect his account to your Feed. You never have to ask for login credentials again.


To get your Feed up and running:

Step 1: Setup your Feed

  1. register your account on
  2. Setup a Feed (Create one Feed for each of your Projects)
  3. Add an channel to your Feed (For example an instagram account)

Step 2: Integration in MODX

  1. Install the socialFeed extra via the Package-Manager.
  2. Get the API-Credentials of your Feed you set up on (API-KEY, FEED-KEY, FEED-ID)
  3. Go to system-settings of the namespace "socialFeed" and fill in your API-Credentials (API-KEY, FEED-KEY, FEED-ID)
  4. Go to to import the latest media of your feed
  5. Setup an cron-job to call frequently to get the latest media. (If your Hosting-Privider does not support cron-jobs, here is a free service:
  6. Place the socialFeed snippet into your code. DONE!


socialFeed has an internal caching. You can call it uncached.



setting default description
&tpl socialFeedTpl Customize your layout with your indiviuell chunk.
&limit www Limit your media quantity.
&offset 0 Offset your media to use with pagination for example.
&sortby date
&sortdir desc Option: desc/asc
&filterUser Filter media by username. Usefull if you have different channels in your feed and you want to show different accounts in different sections of your site.
&filterContent Filter media by string in content. For example: #youtag to filter media by hastags.
&filterChannelType Filter media by channel type. For example: "tiktok" to show only media from a tiktok channel. Or "instagram,tiktok" to show media from Tiktok and Instagram Channels.
&cache true Option: True/False to enable/disable caching.
&cacheTime 3600 Seconds to refresh Cache. You can actually set this up very high because your cron-job will clear the cache if there is new media available.
&cacheKey socialFeed Cahing-Key

Placeholders: &tpl

tag description
id ID
idx Increasing Number
key socialFeed DB reference
username ID
channel Channel Type: instagram / tiktok / ...
type Media-Type: IMAGE / VIDEO / EMBED
image URL to the image thumb
url URL to the Media-File Image/Video
permalink URL to the post/website
content Content of the media
date Date of Publishing the media
properties properties can be called by prefixing them: +properties.yourname

Properties: TikTok

like_count, comment_count, share_count, view_count, width, height, title


socialFeed MODX extra






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