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Change Label and Filtering
modified from Robert Kennedy's instructions
In the prior step, the LandTrendr segmentation algorithm identified periods of time when spectral trajectories were consistently going "up", "down", or "stable", resulting in segments with vertices and fitted values to be viewed. However, such information is difficult to interpret or summarize in a simple fashion. To make these data more interpretable, in this step we categorize the segments into "change classes" based on their direction and magnitude of change, time of occurrence, and duration.
For example, we are often interested in capturing disturbance events such as fires or landslides. To determine whether a given pixel might be in this class, we define a class whose spectral change "looks like" a disturbance that occurs quickly, and is of high magnitude. We may also be interested in limiting this to events that have occurred only recently, say after the year 2000. Capturing such phenomena of interest is the critical process of defining the rules used to map pixels into change classes. We call this "change labeling".
The process of change labeling produces rasters "maps" of change per change class defined by the user. These maps distill all of the information contained in a stack of time-series images into highly interpretable layers that deliniate the spatial boundary of individual change events, describes the year of change onset, the magnitude of change, and the duration of the event.
Change labeling and spatial filtering is achieved by running an IDL batchfile provided with the code library. The batchfile requires 3 types of inputs:
- A "*diag.sav" file path that provides information about the spectral segmentation and fitting run completed in previous step
- A set of parameters that defines how thresholds will be applied to each segment of the fitted spectral files as well as process control inputs
- A list of change classes to be identified
- (optional) A cover model that converts spectral values to percent vegetative cover
We'll get into the specifics of actually filling these out in the batchfile, but first some backgound information on parts of these inputs.
Typically, we convert the original spectral values to a converted index related to vegetative cover (4th optional input). This has pros and cons. Changes can be expressed in terms that have some physical meaning, and by providing a concept for the value zero, relative change can be calculated in a meaningful way. However, the calculation of a derived vegetative cover index requires good reference data, and even in the best case is often a noisy relationship with any single spectral index. Thus, the conversion to vegetative cover can introduce error.
Note that the cover model must be built to match the index used for segmentation: If NBR is used for segmentation, the cover model used for labeling must link NBR to a percent cover number.
We provide two options with the code in the “paramfiles” folder: an nbr_label_parameters.txt file that references a cover model, and an nbr_label_parameters_nocover.txt file that references a model that does not convert to percent cover – it leaves the spectral values as they were originally calculated.
Temporal segments are defined as either "vegetative loss" or "vegetative gain" based on the index.
Change labeling Parameters
label parameter components:
static_model = "static_nbr_model_pilot_scenes"
change_model = "none"
pct_tree_loss1 = 10
pct_tree_loss20 = 3
pre_dist_cover = 20
pct_tree_gain = 5
collapse_dist_angle = 15
collapse_recv_angle = 15
run_name = "nbr_lt_labels"
merge_recovery = "yes"
extract_tc_ftv = "yes"
use_relative_mag = "yes"
end_year = -1
start_year = -1
static_model: the name of a function that will return a percent cover estimate when fed a spectral index. See “static_nbr_model_pilot_scenes.pro” in the “cover_models” directory for an example. The “static” means that the percent cover is modeled for each point in time, and then change in percent cover calculated by subtracting the modeled before and after values.
change_model: Currently not active. We used this once when modeling only the change in percent cover from the change in the spectral index – i.e. subtract the index before and after, and use the difference value to model the change in percent cover.
pct_tree_loss1: the minimum percent cover loss for 1-year duration disturbance events. Any disturbance segments with a smaller change are considered “no-change”, not disturbance.
pct_tree_loss20: the minimum percent cover loss for 20-year duration disturbance processes. This is typically lower than the 1-year duration value. If a decline is going on for 20 years and statistically sound, then it’s pretty unlikely it’s caused by noise. But a 1-year spike could be caused by noise, so we want the threshold for change to be higher for the 1-year event. We interpolate the percent cover threshold linearly between the two values.
pre_dist_cover: The minimum percent cover estimated before the change. If a disturbance occurs in an area with less cover than this value, it’s considered noise. For very sparse systems, you may want to move this value very low.
pct_tree_gain: The minimum cover gain needed to call a segment growth.
All of the prior cover estimates are based on the model you provide. If you don’t have a statistical and simply use the “nocover” model procedure, then the units of the parameters above are not percent cover, but whatever index you use. Keep that in mind – you’ll probably want to change the values!
collapse_dist_angle: collapse_recv_angle: These parameters refer to how LT handles two successive segments of the same type. If two recovery segments occur in sequence and indicate roughly the same rate of recovery, you may not really want to consider them separate segments. If they are quite different rates, though, you might want to keep them separate. This angle allows you to set the value LT uses to merge two segments together – if the angle between the two segments is less than the number you provide, and if you set the “merge_recovery” to “yes”, then recovery segments that are similar will be merged.
But how do we get an angle? The segments are constructed in a spectral space by years data space, so an angle in the original space doesn’t make sense. Rather, we scale each trajectory on the X and Y axis to make a square plot, and calculate the angle in this stretched space. It’s analogous to what you’d do visually if you were plotting the trajectory. But you’re right – it’s going to be different for each trajectory.
run_name: Critical! This name is used to create sub-directory in the outputs/<spectral_index> directory. Make sure it’s what you want.
merge_recovery: see “collapse dist_angle” and “collapse_recv_angle.”
extract_tc_ftv: Recommended! When the labeling phase is done, this will create the ftv_context images that describe the tasseled-cap condition of the site before, during, and after the change.
use_relative_mag: If set to "yes", then all of the thresholds above are interpreted as relative change – the percent cover before and after is calculated, and the difference divided by the cover before the change. This really only makes sense to use if you are using an actual cover model, since only then does the range from zero to 100% work.
Change Class Codes Class codes are the rules used to define interesting patterns in each pixel's fitted trajectory. For example, you can create a class code that finds all disturbances greater than a particular magnitude. The syntax for the class codes is flexible, but generically useful classes have been pre-determined (in the batchfile). If you want a different class the following section defines the class code syntax.
Here is an example of a class code:
The class code is a string with several pieces of information in it separated by the "#" sign. Essentially, the way to think of the code is: "Class 5 is called Greatest Fast Disturbance. For a pixel to be in this class, it must meet the criteria I describe here". The left-hand portion of the code describes the class identifier names and code, while the right-hand portion describes the rules that would be needed for a pixel to be placed in that class.
The rules for the class follow a strict syntax and use a limited set of codes.
The rule syntax is as follows:
C: numerical class value
className: the name applied to the output file
T: turn the class on or off
- Y: yes, turn on
- N: no, turn on
RR: change pixel type rule
- FD: first disturbance
- RD: recent disturbance
- GD: greatest disturbance
- SD: second greatest disturbance
- LD: longest distrubance
- FR: first recovery
- RR: recent recovery
- GR: greatest recovery
- SR: second greatest recovery
- LR: longest recovery
- XX: no rule
LL: year if onset rule
- EQ: equal to
- LE: less than or equal to
- GE: greater than of equal to
- XX: no rule
D: duration rule
- G: greater than
- L: less than
- X: no rule
UU: duration in years for which the above rule will be applied
P: pre-disturbance rule
- G: greater than
- L: less than
- X: no rule
WW: pre-disturbance cover value for which the above pre-disturbance cover rule applied
Following these rules, the class given above (‘5#greatest_fast_disturbance#Y#GDXX0000L04X00’) would be interpreted as follows for each pixel:
GD: Find disturbance segments (based on the index being used – see discussion at the beginning of this section on how we define disturbance). If there is more than one disturbance segment for this pixel, then pick the one with the greatest change (based on beginning and end of the segment).
XX0000: No restriction on when the disturbance is allowed to happen – a disturbance happening at any point is fair game. You could set this to GE1995, for example, to only find disturbances that happen in 1995 or later.
L04: Only include disturbance segments that have duration less than or equal to 4 years.
X00: Do not apply a class-specific pre-disturbance percent cover threshold. There is an overall pre-event percent cover rule specified in the
Another example:
Say you want a class that records only the greatest disturbances after the year 1998, you want them to be only fast disturbances that are less than or equal to 4 years in duration, and only in dense cover. Look back at the table above to see how the codes relate to the steps below.
C = 9 (arbitrary, but don’t use 0, 1 ,2 or overwrite other existing class numbers) Class name = greatest_fast_dist_post_1998 T = Y RR = GD LL = GE YYYY = 1999 D = L UU = 04 P = G WW = 50
Thus, putting all these together we get: '9#greatest_fast_dist_post_1998#Y#GDGE1999L04G50# XXXX0000X00X00'
modified from Dr. Robert Kennedy's LandTrendr instructions