Because I don't want to write the same things over and over again and I wanted an explicit Express API Boilerplate useful in a variety of situations. I also didn't want to manually require each controller and model in my index file, so there are simple methods to include those for me.
Autoload controllers and Models to the Express app object.
npm install
yarn install
npm start
yarn start
Thats it, while its pretty easy to set up use for Postgres this app will fallback to a sqlite file.
I've provided a .env-example file which will work with only a db url change. Update the db url and change the file from .env-example to .env
.env Variables Examples
ROOT_URL=http://localhost:3000 // project url for generated urls
DATABASE_URL=postgres://localhost:5432/boilerplate // a DB URL for postgres (app falls back to sqlite3)
JWT_SECRET=your-very-own-token // used for token gen
POSTMARK_KEY=your-postmark-api-key // I like postmark, update service mailer if you'd like another option
This app has default support for a local sqlite db. If no DATABASE_URL saved in the local .env file the application will create a db.sqlite file in the project root to use locally.
If you want to use a Postgres Database, include the Postgres URL in your .env file as:
See the .env example for more
I'm on OSX and used to create and manage a local posgres db.