TxMongo is an asynchronous Python/Twisted driver for MongoDB that implements the wire protocol on non-blocking sockets. The API derives from the original PyMongo.
Python 2.7, 3.3+ and PyPy.
You can use setuptools to install:
sudo python setup.py install
Generate them with make docs. You will need sphinx installed. There are some examples in the examples/ directory.
Run make env to create clean hacking environment with virtualenv. Run make to torture your code with tests and code style tools.
Take a look in Makefile for commonly used commands and tools we use to develop.
Packing for debian exists in debian/, you can build yourself a package (remember to update debian/changelog) if you make changes.
dpkg-buildpackage -b
Then look for the package in your home directory.
rpmbuild -bb python-txmongo.spec
You might need to download Source0 from the .spec and place it in rpmbuild/SOURCES first.