You need truffle, ganache, graph clent and a graph node in order to run the project.
npm install -g truffle ganache-cli
npm install -g @graphprotocol/graph-cli
In order to clone the subgraph
git clone
- Run ganache application or the cli in order to start testing
- Compile the core
- Migrate the core
truffle compile
truffle migrate --network development --reset
- Clone graph-node
- Enter the Graph Node's Docker directory
- Start a local graph node
git clone
cd graph-node/docker
docker-compose up
Add each contract address generated by the migration step to the subgraph (In the file called subgraph.yaml)
- kind: ethereum/contract
name: ActorFactory
network: development
address: 'ActorFactory CONTRACT ADDRESS'
abi: ActorFactory
- Install dependencies and generate the code.
- Create the subgraph
- Deploy the subgraph
cd sg_affogato
yarn && yarn codegen
yarn create-local
yarn deploy-local