This is a fork of the angular-ui bootstrap dropdown.
One big difference with this directive is that the dropdown menu is not compiled until the dropdown toggle is clicked. This improves performance if you have dropdowns inside a big fat ng-repeat.
On small screen sizes (<768px) the dropdown transforms into a full screen modal.
View DEMO.
- Install with bower
$ bower install ez-dropdown
- Add script
<script src="bower_components/ez-dropdown/dist/ez-dropdown.min.js"/>
- Add to your apps module
angular.module('yourApp', ['ez.dropdown'])
<span class="dropdown">
<a class="dropdown-toggle">Dropdown that closes on click</a>
<ul class="dropdown-menu">
<li><a href="#">Hey</a></li>
###Config Attributes
Add the following attributes to the 'dropdown' element for custom behaviour:
call a function -
prevent auto closing dropdown on click inside dropdown menu -
prevent backdrop from appearing in mobile mode -
disable mobile mode
###Helper Classes
Add the following classes to the 'dropdown' element for custom styling
class="dropdown dropdown-select"
show radio inputs beside options in mobile mode with border on the bottom
Add the following classes to the 'dropdown-menu element for custom styling
class="dropdown-menu dropdown-pointer"
show a pointer arrow on the top of the dropdown menu