This is a collection of writeups, cheatsheets, videos, related to XXE in one single location
This is currently work in progress I will add more resources as I continue my learning.
Created By @jdonsec
PortSwigger: XML Entities [READ this first!]
OneHackMan: Exploiting XML External Entity (XXE) Injections [Read this second!]
PortSwigger: Finding and Exploiting bling XXE Vulnerabilities
XXE that can Bypass WAF Protection [WAF Bypass]
#312543 XXE in Site Audit function exposing file and directory contents
#248668 XXE on in SXMP Processor [Great report example]
#232614 Uploaded XLF files result in External Entity Execution
#36450 Soap-based XXE vulnerability /soapserver/
#500515 XXE at
#836877 XXE through injection of a payload in the XMP metadata of a JPEG file
#105753 XXE Looks interesting wish the report was much better so we could all learn from it.
#106865 - XXE via SAML Same here wish the report was better