Altcoin is a Javascript powered, offline-storage, and login enabled alternative coin and bitcoin tracker and efficiency tool.
- Once you get to the homepage you will be able to search the price, trade volume, and price change for 10+ of the most in-demand digital currencies.
- You will also have the option for creating an account, during the signup process you will be prompted to choose the digital currencies that you want to follow.
- Now your homepage will populate with information on all of your chosen alt coins.
- Set alerts to notify you when a coin stock changes to the price you set --Coming Soon
- Change the coin stocks that you follow
- Easily access news on the coins that you follow. --Coming Soon
- Digital currency is a type of currency available only in digital form, not in physical form like, banknotes, coins, or other fiat currencies.
- Digital currencies exhibits properties similar to physical currencies, but allows for instantaneous transactions and borderless transfer-of-ownership. Examples include virtual currencies and cryptocurrencies or even central bank issued "digital base money".
- Like traditional money, these currencies may be used to buy physical goods and services, but may also be restricted to certain communities such as for use inside an online game or social network
Altcoin Tracker uses a number of open source projects to function properly:
- [Express] - node.js network app framework
- [Pg-promise] - Handles callbacks and promises for Postgress Databases.
- [Mustache-express] - Makes express compatiable with Mustache.
- [Body-parser] - Parses through Database data and displays desired data through req.body
- [Express-session] - middleware that lets us have a session on express
- [Bcryptjs] - password hashing module written in pure javascript
- [Method-override] - This module allows us to use HTTP verbs like DELETE & PUT in places where the client doesn’t support it.
- [JQuery] - DOM manipulation, API calls, & CSS animations. Ajax this is part of the JQuery library and is used to make API calls. Javascript is the primary language I used to write this program.
- [node.js] - evented I/O for the backend
- [D3.js] - Graph to come
- [materialize] - ui boilerplate