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The app evaluates the readability of page content by comparing the text(foreground) color with the background color. This is done by calculating the contrast ratio and comparing the result to the W3C accessibility standards.

Technology Stack

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript

Please note: If you are not marked as a collaborator for this project, then you will need to follow the first two steps. If you are marked as a collaborator, then you can clone the repo git clone and then follow the rest of the steps in order.

How to contribute

  1. Fork the repo (How to fork a repo instructions)
  2. Clone the repo to your local machine. git clone
  3. Change directories to the contrast ratio repo cd contrast-ratio-repo
  4. Create a branch and switch to that new branch. git checkout -b new-branch-name
  5. Make some changes to the project
  6. Stage changes. git add .
  7. Commit changes to your local branch. git commit -m "commit message"
  8. Push up your local branch and create a remote branch on GitHub git push -u origin branch_name
  9. Submit a Pull request so that we can review your changes. click compare, leave a comment and click the create pull request button.

How to install the dependencies

In order to use the Prettier and browser-sync packages, you will need to install the package dependencies.

Make sure you are in the project directory contrast-ratio-repo. Then run npm install which will install the package dependencies. This will add a node_modules folder to the root directory. The node_modules folder has already been added to the .gitignore file because it should never be committed or included in the production build of the site.

Prettier pre-commit hook

Whenever you push changes to GitHub, the Prettier pre-commit hook will automatically format all of your staged files. This ensures that the whole team has clean and consistent formatting throughout the entire project.

Script commands


The npm start command will start the local server at port 3000 and automatically open a new browser window. Whenever you make changes, it will hot reload the page.

To stop the local server, use the Ctrl+C command.

Prettier formatting script

The npm run format command will format all of the files for the project.


Simple app which will display the precise contrast between two colors



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