I am transitioning into Quality Assurance from a background in customer service and admin support, and I'm also a self-taught front-end developer. Looking forward to apply my skills in a QA or front-end role!
💼 Open to internships or junior roles in QA or front-end.
📖 Currently following Turing School Lesson Plan.
Completed IT Bootcamp QA Certification!
Participated in a Chingu Voyage! Worked alongside a team of four developers to create Splitzy - an expense splitter web app.
Finished devChallenges Responsive Web Developer Path. See Certificate!
Got freeCodeCamp JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures Certification! See Certification!
Made an actual web app that is used by my team in the real world. :) It's an early cancellation fee calculator. Please check it out.
Finished The Odin Project Foundations Path!
Got freeCodeCamp Responsive Web Design Certification. See Certification!
Final project for IT Bootcamp. The project covers manual test cases and bug reports for the Saucedemo website and functionality testing in Selenium, using POM and TestNG.
A Chingu Tier 1 Team Project. Splitzy enables users to split expenses among participants within an expense group. It includes features like adding, updating, and deleting expenses, and it automatically calculates balances for each participant. The application is built using vanilla frontend technologies and is entirely browser-based, leveraging local storage for data persistence.
- This README was built following these instructions. Thank you itsZed0!
- Cover Photo by Alexander Sinn, recolored by me.