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Releases: jeakfrw/jeak-framework

Release 1.2.1 - Candidate 1

03 Jan 20:15
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1.2 & 1.2.1 (Query connection enhancements)

  • Another major rework of the query connection:
    • Added support for TS3-SSH connections
    • Created a more dynamic interface for connection/message handling for future updates
  • Updated dependencies:
    • MariaDB-Connector -> 2.7.3
    • Hibernate -> 5.6.3.Final
    • classgraph -> 4.8.138
    • HikariCP -> 5.0.0
    • log4j -> 2.17.1 | Addressed: ⚠️ CVE-2021-44228 ⚠️
    • Jetty -> 9.4.41.v20210516 | Addressed: ⚠ CVE-2021-28165
    • JUnit -> 4.13.2 | Addressed: ⚠️ CVE-2020-15250
    • confort -> 1.1.2
    • ANTLR -> 4.9.3
  • Removed MySQL-Connector for licensing concerns [!Admins: Be aware!]

Release 1.2.0 - Candidate 2

18 May 20:33
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1.2.0 (Query connection enhancements)

~ Another major rework of the query connection:

  • Added support for TS3-SSH connections
  • Created a more dynamic interface for connection/message handling for future updates
    ~ Updated dependencies:
  • MariaDB-Connector -> 2.7.3
  • Hibernate -> 5.4.31.Final
  • classgraph -> 4.8.105
  • HikariCP -> 4.0.3
  • log4j -> 2.14.1
  • Jetty -> 9.4.41.v20210516CVE-2021-28165
  • JUnit -> 4.13.1CVE-2020-15250
  • confort -> 1.1.2
    ~ Removed MySQL-Connector for licensing concerns [!Admins: Be aware!]

Release 1.2.0 - Candidate 1

03 Mar 19:13
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  • Reworked query connection to allow connection to the recently published TS3-SSH-Query connection
  • Improvements to classloading which is now way faster (classgraph instead of reflections)
    // Full changelog in stable release

Release 1.1.6

15 Aug 11:19
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Release note

Since the last releases were all kind of small increments not seeing an official tag, here is a bugfix release including all of them in one.
Since we're currently very busy with other stuff, many additions are not yet ready but included in experimental APIs.


1.1.6 (Fixes & dependency updates)
+ Added rudimentary HTTPS support
+ Added experimental voice connection support
~ Some JSON-parsing fixes in the HTTP functionality
~ Fixed a few bugs where the HTTP-Server ignored several headers for reverse-proxy setups
~ TypedCommandService is now enabled by default
~ Provided a work-around for server administrators who are unaware of their virtualserver id (use-command is performed with the -voice flag)
~ Reworked internal channel sorting which should now be more consistent
~ Fixed lazy permission lookups not working (when permlist command is not allowed)
~ Implemented parallel dispatching of IAnswer events to prevent lockups in internal requests
~ Optimized log-levels of DBUserService for less log spam
~ Fixed a bug where in some cases the Disconnect event wasn't fired causing the framework not to attempt a reconnect
~ [DEPRECATION] Injection of EntityManager instances are now discouraged as they force short-lived sessions to remain open
~ General dependency updates

Release 1.1.0

15 Mar 13:24
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1.1.0 (Typed commands, Language selection)

+ Added a new command service that allows for declarative commands and typed parameters
+ Added the ability to create custom matchers for plugin specific types in command parameters
+ Added a !help command that lists commands registered to the new implementation
+ Added a !help <command> command that shows another commands signature
+ Added a !locale command that shows the current custom locale
+ Added a !locale <short-ident> command that allows users to select another locale as their default
+ Added a new CLIService available to framework components to register cli-commands to
+ Added a sysInfo cli-command that prints system information
~ Changed: Sanctions on plugin IDs are less strict now. (Regex: "^[a-zA-Z.][a-zA-Z0-9.&+#]+$")
~ Changed: REST-service now deals correctly with OPTIONS requests
~ Changed: REST-service now supports CORS
~ Changed: REST-service now supports custom headers
~ Changed: TS3PermProvider now holds internal cache of all permission IDs (when retrievable)
~ Changed: Properly set log levels in the default Log4J2 configuration
~ Changed: Cache duration for UserService lookups. (30 -> 120 seconds by default)
~ Fixed: A bug where the UserService would accept invalid search parameters (null, blank or empty strings)

~ Downgraded dependencies:

  • antlr 4.8-1 -> 4.7.1: Antlr gradle plugin is not updated yet and produces incompatible parsers.

~ Updated dependencies:

  • confort 1.0.0-rc.1 -> 1.1.0-rc.2
  • hibernate-core 5.4.10 -> 5.4.12

1.1.0 Release candidate 1

06 Feb 18:02
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As usual, the changelog will be included in the full release. You may view the changelog file for the current changes. 🙂

Release 1.0.4

22 Jan 17:54
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Bug fix release

~ Changed: user-service performance improved by caching results for 30 seconds
~ Changed: Non-string dataSourceOptions now cause an exception
~ Fixed: A bug that caused dataSourceOpts not to be applied to Hikari
~ Fixed: db-based permission service not returning its connections to pool resulting in a connection leak
~ Fixed: Clients not having any description causing ConsistencyViolationException
~ Fixed: Main class causing an unintended dependency link to google common util via. org.reflections
~ Updated dependencies:

  • jackson 2.10.0 -> 2.10.2
  • mariadb-java-client 2.5.1 -> 2.5.3
  • mysql-java-client 8.0.18 -> 8.0.19
  • hibernate-core 5.4.8.Final -> 5.4.10.Final
  • log4j 2.12.1 -> 2.13.0
  • slf4j 1.7.29 -> 1.7.30
  • antlr4 4.7.2 -> 4.8-1
  • hikaricp 3.4.1 -> 3.4.2
  • Test-Src: junit 4.12 -> 4.13

This will probably (tm) be the last 1.0.X stable release as the staging of version 1.1.X has already begun.

1.0.4 Release candidate 2

14 Nov 21:16
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Only cache results that are not empty

1.0.4 Release candidate 1

14 Nov 17:55
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  • Several performance improvements and fixes in the DB-based user service and permission provider

// Full changelog in the stable release

Bugfix Release 1.0.3

10 Nov 22:38
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Changelog for v1.0.3

~ Changed: HikariCP #getConnection timeout to 4 minutes (from the default - 30 seconds)
~ Changed: Relaxed restrictions to plugin IDs. They now only must match ^[a-zA-Z.][a-zA-Z0-9.&+#]+$
~ Changed: Clients will always be associated with a profile when discovered once
~ Fixed: A bug that caused the DB-based implementation of the UserService not to find clients
~ Fixed: A bug that caused users retrieved from the user service not to have server groups associated
~ Fixed: A bug where retrieving a nonexistent profile via. #getProfile resulted in an exception
~ Fixed: A bug where clients that just connected would not have permissions until cached at least once
~ Fixed: User-service not creating profiles when asking for them
~ Fixed: DB-based user service not setting the internal permission reference on users.
~ Updated dependencies:

  • slf4j-api 1.7.28 -> 1.7.29
  • hibernate-core 5.4.7.Final -> 5.4.8.Final
  • jackson 2.10.0.pr3 -> 2.10.0

Additional changes since last stable (1.0.0)

Bugfix-Update 1.0.2

~ Fixed: Fast tracked db-based user service wasn't available
~ Fixed: User service wrongly set client_id instead of client_db_id
~ Fixed: Serialization of response objects when no content-type request header is present
~ Updated dependencies:

  • jackson -> 2.10.0.pr3
  • JavaMail (dsn, smtp, mailapi) 1.6.3 -> 1.6.4
  • slf4j-api 1.7.27 -> 1.7.28
  • log4j2 1.6.3 -> 1.6.4
    ~ Fixed: Some parsing bugs with external services were fixed where the services failed to read the build configuration properly

Bugfix-Update 1.0.1

~ Fixed: Empty command chain elements are no longer rendered (compat. w/ some weird TS3 server versions)
~ Fixed: It was possible to create multiple groups with the same name
~ Fixed: EventAbortException not aborting events leading to exceptions being logged by plugins consuming inconsistent events

  • Added command: !permuuid-lookup to look up the permission subject UUIDs for different subjects
  • Added a constant vor the "permvalue" key on "permadd" commands which is for some reason yet another different key
    ~ Deprecated ICommandReceiver to prepare for the new command implementation. See the interface for more info.
  • Added support for deprecated command listeners which will trigger a warning to users (and optionally display the given alternative)