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Home Kubernetes cluster managed by GitOps

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k3s cluster deployed with Ansible, backed by Flux and SOPS.


  • flux - GitOps operator for managing Kubernetes clusters from a Git repository
  • kube-vip - Load balancer for the Kubernetes control plane nodes
  • metallb - Load balancer for Kubernetes services
  • cert-manager - Operator to request SSL certificates and store them as Kubernetes resources
  • calico - Container networking interface for inter pod and service networking
  • external-dns - Operator to publish DNS records to Cloudflare (and other providers) based on Kubernetes ingresses
  • k8s_gateway - DNS resolver that provides local DNS to the Kubernetes ingresses
  • traefik - Kubernetes ingress controller used for a HTTP reverse proxy of Kubernetes ingresses
  • local-path-provisioner - provision persistent local storage with Kubernetes

Additional applications include hajimari, error-pages, echo-server, system-upgrade-controller, reflector, reloader, and kured

Provisioning is performed using Ansible.

📂 Repository structure

The Git repository contains the following directories under cluster and are ordered below by how Flux will apply them.

📁 cluster      # k8s cluster defined as code
├─📁 flux       # flux, gitops operator, loaded before everything
├─📁 crds       # custom resources, loaded before 📁 core and 📁 apps
├─📁 charts     # helm repos, loaded before 📁 core and 📁 apps
├─📁 config     # cluster config, loaded before 📁 core and 📁 apps
├─📁 core       # crucial apps, namespaced dir tree, loaded before 📁 apps
└─📁 apps       # regular apps, namespaced dir tree, loaded last

🚀 Installation

🔐 Setting up Age

Create a Age Private and Public key. Using SOPS with Age allows us to encrypt secrets and use them in Ansible and Flux.

  1. Create a Age Private / Public Key

    age-keygen -o age.agekey
  2. Set up the directory for the Age key and move the Age file to it

    mkdir -p ~/.config/sops/age
    mv age.agekey ~/.config/sops/age/keys.txt
  3. Export the SOPS_AGE_KEY_FILE variable in bashrc, zshrc or and source it, e.g.

    export SOPS_AGE_KEY_FILE=~/.config/sops/age/keys.txt
    source ~/.bashrc
  4. Fill out the Age public key in the .config.env under BOOTSTRAP_AGE_PUBLIC_KEY, note the public key should start with age

📄 Configuration

The .config.env file contains necessary configuration that is needed by Ansible and Flux.

  1. Copy the .config.sample.env to .config.env and start filling out all the environment variables:

    All are required unless otherwise noted in the comments.

    cp .config.sample.env .config.env
  2. Once that is done, verify the configuration is correct by running:

    task verify
  3. If you do not encounter any errors, wire up the templated files and place them where they need to be.

    task configure

⚡ Preparing Ubuntu with Ansible

  1. Ensure you are able to SSH into your nodes using a private SSH key without a passphrase.

  2. Install the Ansible deps:

    task ansible:init
  3. Verify Ansible can view the config:

    task ansible:list
  4. Verify Ansible can ping the nodes:

    task ansible:ping
  5. Run the Ubuntu Prepare Ansible playbook:

    task ansible:prepare
  6. Reboot the nodes:

    task ansible:reboot

⛵ Installing k3s with Ansible

☢️ If you run into problems, you can run task ansible:nuke to destroy the k3s cluster and start over.

  1. Verify Ansible can view your config:

    task ansible:list
  2. Verify Ansible can ping your nodes:

    task ansible:ping
  3. Install k3s with Ansible:

    task ansible:install
  4. Verify the nodes are online:

    task cluster:nodes
    # NAME           STATUS   ROLES                       AGE     VERSION
    # k8s-0          Ready    control-plane,master      4d20h   v1.21.5+k3s1
    # k8s-1          Ready    worker                    4d20h   v1.21.5+k3s1

🔹 GitOps with Flux

  1. Verify Flux can be installed:

    task cluster:verify
    # ► checking prerequisites
    # ✔ kubectl 1.21.5 >=1.18.0-0
    # ✔ Kubernetes 1.21.5+k3s1 >=1.16.0-0
    # ✔ prerequisites checks passed
  2. Install Flux and sync the cluster to the Git repository:

    task cluster:install
    # namespace/flux-system configured
    # created
  3. Verify Flux components are running in the cluster:

    task cluster:pods -- -n flux-system
    # NAME                                       READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    # helm-controller-5bbd94c75-89sb4            1/1     Running   0          1h
    # kustomize-controller-7b67b6b77d-nqc67      1/1     Running   0          1h
    # notification-controller-7c46575844-k4bvr   1/1     Running   0          1h
    # source-controller-7d6875bcb4-zqw9f         1/1     Running   0          1h

🎤 Verification Steps

  1. View the Flux Git Repositories:

    task cluster:gitrepositories
  2. View the Flux kustomizations:

    task cluster:kustomizations
  3. View all the Flux Helm Releases:

    task cluster:helmreleases
  4. View all the Flux Helm Repositories:

    task cluster:helmrepositories
  5. View all the Pods:

    task cluster:pods
  6. View all the certificates and certificate requests:

    task cluster:certificates
  7. View all the ingresses:

    task cluster:ingresses

All the commands above can be run with one task:

task cluster:resources